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House District 4 - Issues & Candidates
I have met and spoken with all of the candidates. Here are my impressions of them:

Faye Hanohano is a very nice woman, although every time I see her at a public event (which is rarely) she is making excuses for not having accomplished anything while in the House. Frankly, I don't believe that the consistency of poi is a pressing legislative issue.

Fred Blas comes across as antagonistic and argumentative, and is often quite curt. From what I can tell, all of his community service was done as a means to increase his property value...I have even seen a letter he wrote to the Hawaiian Shores community urging each of them to battle coqui frogs by cutting down all of their trees. I see him as the least likely candidate to make real progress in the Legislature.

Anthony Marzi is a sweet young man, although he needs to get over his reservations about speaking in front of crowds. He has the most impressive resume out of all of candidates, and he definitely beats the others in the areas of intelligence and innovation. Most of his campaigning is through his comfort zone of the internet, and I would like to see more of him in the public eye.

Steve Sparks is very energetic, friendly, and well versed on the issues. However, he lacks in innovation and seems more dedicated to the Democratic Party than to our district. He doesn't offer much public information on his candidacy, and his public appearances do not strike me as collected and professional. I would like to see him put up a website for district 4 to view.
Originally posted by Kapohocat

Let the games begin.

Hey Kat you’re toooo funny. Did you really think I was going to bite at Damon’s post on Faye’s running plank?
What would have impressed me is if Damon would have listed her accomplishments over her first term.
Or, what legislative bills she has written for the number of issues she would like to help with,
But that list would have been a lot shorter then the one he posted.
See you next weekend, The Reillings.

"Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I look for my dreams and a pocket full of gold" Led Zeppelin
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Originally posted by Kahunascott

Originally posted by Kapohocat

Let the games begin.

Hey Kat you’re toooo funny. Did you really think I was going to bite at Damon’s post on Faye’s running plank?
What would have impressed me is if Damon would have listed her accomplishments over her first term.
Or, what legislative bills she has written for the number of issues she would like to help with,
But that list would have been a lot shorter then the one he posted.
See you next weekend, The Reillings.

"Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I look for my dreams and a pocket full of gold" Led Zeppelin

Nah, I wasnt picking on you Scott! [8D] I always find your replies articulate and informed. I meant we have a long hot summer ahead of us with the politics game - national and local!

I appreciate all the work all of you punawebbers do in searching for the info - substantiated or not. Occassionally, rumors DO have a small grain of truth in them - so even those that were presented spark a lively debate!

You go guys!!
:::::::::::::waving to everyone:::::::::::::

New kid on the Blog...

So, I was attracted to the initial post to this area and the questions asked in its concluding paragraph, 'differences in positions' on the issues facing the 4th district. I have read Mr. Blas' web site; I looked for Ms. Hanohano's web site; I have read Marzi's web site. It appears the candidates for 4th District are diverse group. I have met both Mr. Blas and Ms. Hanohano. I was impressed with Ms. Hanohano's sense of humility. I think this year is a the year for change and I am wondering if anyone out there has any idea what Marzi's potential is?

I hope we see some of the candidates here to respond to issues. This is the first year I am getting 'involved' and I would like to land at someone's campaign headquarters and offer my volunteer time. I believe if we want change we have to be the change we want and sitting at home letting others make the change for me is on me, not them. So, anyone out there running for 4th district interested in one more volunteer? If we can engage in dialogue here I would really appreciate it and it would go a long way in assisting me to figure out which candidate is the right candidate, at least for my vote!

Our task must be to free widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. --Albert Einstein
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
Your dialogue about the District 4 candidates compels me to respond...

I have gotten to know Auntie Faye Hanohano in the last year because
she is my boss' cousin. She is a wonderful woman with a lot of aloha who cares deeply about her home district.

Fred Blas, who I have also gotten to know in the past year, is Mr. Community Service and, to me, that is so admirable. I believe it was Kahuna Scott who detailed how involved this guy really is...

I have been learning how prevalent the "no can" philosophy is in our community and in our government, and Fred Blas defies that as Mr. Can-Do. You know those new wooden signs into and out of Pahoa Village (in front of the Baptist Church on the Rubbish Dump Road and in front of Jan's Barber Shop), those came from Fred Blas...

Steve Sparks rented me my first apartment in Hilo; I have known him and his wife for some time and find them to be quite lovely people.

Anthony Marzi, I don't know much about.

The bottom line is, I appreciate anybody who is willing to take on the task of working for their community in either county or state government. Where somebody is from/their ethnicity SHOULD NOT MATTER when it comes to public service, or anything, really.

Jerry Carr, you nailed some of the issues that we need our state leadership to take on... They are long overdue.

Whoever gets the state representative seat has to have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and must have read Dale Carnegie's book, "How To Win Friends And Influence People."

One of the many disadvantages Puna has at the state level is that we are "N.I." --- an acronym for "Neighbor Island." That is State Capitol speak...

The representative has to convince state representatives that our country district needs projects/funds more than, say, Ewa Beach on O'ahu...

Good luck to the candidates, and I hope that you can convince the state to pay attention to us out here in N.I.

Aloha[Smile][:I][:o)][^][:X][:0][Wink][8D][Big Grin]

'critterlover' asked about "Marzi's potential... "

I personally do not know Mr Marzi, but have great respect for a young adult who is 'out there' trying.
Indeed, this is my pet point: I could support almost any candidate under 30 years of age over someone older, all other things being sorta close to equal -- disclaimer: this does not apply to Andrew Walden ;~)
I am 56 yrs young and have three 20-something offspring. It is the younger folks who are going to have to live with the decisions made in the next 10 years that (I sincerely believe) will influence the next 100 years unlike any other comparable era in the last 200 years.

"Potential"? -- Mr Marzi or any candidate has only as much pontential as that candidate and supporters decide they will have. THAT is what is so great about grassroots democracy.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
To Ms. Edwards and Mr.Weatherford,

Thank you both for the time you took to share your thoughts. Both posts were informative and frank. I enjoyed reading them both. I was told this is the place to come for 'what's hot and what's not' in Puna. I am hoping the candidates seeking electoral support from 4th district house and 5 district council as well as mayoral will engage in more dialogue as the primary speeds our way.

Was invited to a meet and greet at Uncle Robert's tomorrow evening at 5ish for Mayoral Candidate Billy Kenoi. Looking forward to going and hearing his ideas/platform. Perhaps a calendar here of upcoming events for all candidates for the next few week ends would be helpful for the folks to review and plan to attend. This year is the beginning of an historic epoch, I believe, in the folks who vote to be socially engaged. We do not all have a lot of time but when we are at home and have a few moments forums like this one help to develop opinion.

Looking forward to more info. And, if by chance my lack of familiarity with this forum has created an oversight in ferreting out information which is already here can the oldtimers please feel free to direct me?


Our task must be to free widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. --Albert Einstein
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)

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