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Newbie looking to trim your garden for cuttings...
I'm just getting started with my bare lot and would love to help anyone with overgrown shrubs, trees, etc with trimming your plants or taking away any excess keikis or unwanted plants.

Would love any cuttings of the follow if you have any excess to spare:

Brugmansia - angels trumpets
any bananas
any heliconia
any ginger
any root spreaders
any variegated
any tis

Thank you in advance if you would like help to clear out your overgrown yard - its a win/win for both of us.


noel morata
please email me on the site or you can call 707-486-0710
anytime.... we have red & pink gingers
a bunch of different crotons
red & green tis
& a bunch of other things not on your list.....
I know you WANT a Euphorbia lactea.... RIGHT???
I have all those and more except plumeria, (too wet up here.) I leave my cuttings alongside the road for anybody that wants it. Right now there is red ti, angel trumpet, sanchezia, brunfelsia, more stuff nearly every day. After a couple of weeks I have to compost or it grows. Pile is across from pole 8 Hapuu St. Leilani
We get a number of different banana varieties -- you dig the keiki.
Especially successful here (6th, HPP; low elevation and hot) has been Kru, a very nice dessert banana from Papua New Guinea -- lots of sweet, heavy fruit, and quick turn around time between stalks.
Also have Gigante, Ele Ele Maoli, full-size Jamaican Red, full-size Brazilian, and others.
Of course, plenty starts for white pineapple.

email or just come by if you are in the neighborhood

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
I have plumeria In HPP down on E. Email me
thank you kindly everyone for your kind offers, i'll email all directly and also pickup the cuttings from your compost pile leilani guy....

mahalo again,

noel morata
Bring a truck! Big green and red ti, plumeria, croton, coconuts, grapes, night blooming jasmine, some sort of red bush named "ele"-something, assorted roses, etc. etc.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson

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