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Sandbagging the PCDP
In addition to posting the proposed amendments I am emailing constituents I have addresses for the proposed amendments, and posting them on both my blog: and hunter's blog.
Ms. Edwards,

Thank you for providing the documentation for everyone to review. While I have arrived late to the process I am taking the time to get up to speed on the overall development plan.

Kudos to all who were instrumental in the crafting of the document. It is very impressive. The community will no doubt be benefited with the vision it represents.

Being a leader is no easy task. It becomes far more complex, when you are only one leader in an array of many pulled together on a project of such consequential magnitude. The appearance of unilateral action will always be tough to overcome. As the dust settles hopefully the transparency required for cohesion to be forward going in the Puna Makai community will be self evident.

Our task must be to free widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. --Albert Einstein
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
Hello Tiffany,

I am sorry that I reacted badly to your call this morning. I will try to assume that you were not personally involved in Emily's performance at the Planning Committee on July 1. You are her legislative assistant so it is easy to make assumptions. So feel free to clarify your involvement in the lack of process at the Planning Committee meeting. Meanwhile I apologize to you but I did not create this aggravation. Emily did.

To circumvent the purpose of the meeting and waste the time of everyone who appeared that day was insulting and amateurish. It was, frankly, an embarrassing performance and needs some explanation.

Meanwhile I would ask you to address the 2nd half of my emailed request.

... could you identify those in the community who she consulted on this?

Rob Tucker
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

Let's be clear: I did not know that the Puna CDP was to be rubber stamped,
without any amendments.

A two year consensus building process involving hundreds of people is not a rubber stamp. It looks like Emily decided to do her own community development plan and simply forgot the community part.

Where were the meetings?

How were they published?

Who attended?

Where are the notes & minutes?

Emily wants her own little dots on a map. How nice.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

Rob or Tiffany,
Can someone tell me if Council Member Naeole, or her staff, actively participated in the PCDP planning process?
Maybe she consulted her confused constituents [:0]

"...confuse people. People are already confused..."
Emily Naeole

It is the way... the way it is.
Mr. Orts:

Please feel free to contact the councilwoman directly.

Tiffany Edwards Hunt

Bob, This is taken from another topic and was previously posted on the subject you ask about. I agree with Tiffany. Talk to Emily about it too.

Posted - 06/17/2008 : 11:44:37

In your post above you said: to my knowledge, not any of the three 5th District Council challengers were a member of any PCDP WG brings forth some PCDP issues that have been on my mind for a while now.

You, I know, logged many days and hours on the transportation Working Group (TWG). I was on the Land Use WG (LUWG). It was a long and arduous process which involved a lot of people.

At the time the WGs were formed at Pahoa High School in 2006 a couple hundred people (it seemed) signed up to participate. We were invited to select one of ten Working Groups to join. You went to the Transportation table and I went to the Land Use table. Each of these two WGs was fairly large.... 25+ people I’d say.

2006 was an election year and I noticed that the Land Use group included three candidates for office. Gary Safarik, Emily Naeole and Brian Jordan. I was elected to be coordinator for the LUWG.

I later ended up with the feeling that these candidates were at the PCDP WG launch primarily for a photo op because I never noticed any of them at any meetings over the next two years. But because they had signed up I kept them in the email loop for all meeting notices and discussions.

I understand that running for office takes a lot of time and energy. I suspect that Safarik and Jordan were emotionally drained from the election effort. I also suspect that Emily Naeole, upon winning office, was faced with a whole new set of challenges and demands on her time.

It may also be that they had decided to focus on other WGs and I was not aware of their choices or participation.

I bring this up now not to be gratuitously negative. But for this reason....

A number of people have made statements which imply that the PCDP is compromised by the lack of diversity in the make up of it’s groups and committees. Emily Naeole has made this point several times on the record and off the record. Kanaka Council members have said or implied this as well.

It is quite frustrating for those of us who did participate to be faulted for the lack of participation by others. Emily Naeole is one case in point. She signed up to participate and then did not.

I did attribute her lack of attendance to her new obligations as council member. However, the LUWG specifically invited her to speak with us more than once as our elected representative. Her signing up for the group in the beginning indicated an interest. She declined all invitations. So we were left to proceed without the benefit of her opinion and the diversity she could have afforded us.

Obviously many, many others could have (and by that I mean have the ability) participated if they so chose.

At this moment no one knows where Emily Naeole stands regarding approval of the PCDP. It will soon be before council. I would certainly hate to see it fail by one vote.

So to everyone who reads this and is interested in the passage of the Puna Community Development Plan I will say the same thing I told our LUWG in early 2007.

Please go talk to Emily......

I really mean this. In lieu of accepting or denying whatever anyone else says contact our council representative by email, phone or face-to-face visit and talk to Emily.

Emily Naeole <> 961-8267

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Tiffany Edwards

Mr. Orts:

Please feel free to contact the councilwoman directly.

Tiffany Edwards Hunt


Since you have responded to the topic in defense of the Council Member, you need to address the issue. If you are not responding to this subject as a staff person of the Council Member, you need to make that very clear, otherwise, don't open a door if you can't deal with what's behind it.

So, I'm asking again, did Council Member Naeole, or her staff, actively participated in the PCDP planning process?

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