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Ebesugawa/Waimea, etc.
He delivers a lot of babies in Hilo, Maggie.[Smile]
It's all good.
The baby nurses are all awesome up there in Hilo. I'm friends with a few of them...
Going to Waimea did mean they couldn't be there with me when I delivered, but I have to agree with Nalu about Waimea. I also agree with you about it being too far.
Won't it be great when we have a Birthing Center in Puna someday.[:X]

Wherever you give birth, you'll do just fine.

Hey, I'm about to post an invite for the Hilo Honeysuckles Breastfeeding Group, but I'm thinking, is there anyone interested in forming a breastfeeding group in Puna?
Email me at if so.

I can't find that email about the Hilo Honesuckles. Go to my website at It's posted there. We meet once a month.

How about the Puna Breastfeeding Moms? If there is already a group, please direct me to it.

Shoots, MODERATOR!!!!
This was supposed to go under the ladies only column![:0]
You will have to repost it there.... when you do I will remove this one.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

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