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Sandbagging the PCDP
Originally posted by jjd

Back to Chris Yuen's amendments:...

These still blow me away. Did he forget where he put his Sierra Club card?
KC -

I actually emailed Yuens wife about 3-4 months ago, asking for Yuen to please consider Puna's future. (His wife was a former professor of mine and I became close to her).

People might remember that Yuen, before his position of power now, was an attorney that represented many earth friendly groups here on the island.

Despite these amendments, I still think he is a good guy.

Rally For the Plan
Has anyone heard from Emily?

Following up on Tiffany's advice, I've phoned. As yet, she hasn't replied.

I've supported her until her actions blew me away at the Planning Committee Meeting.

Emily still has a golden opportunity to TRUST her Puna constituency.

Emily, for the good of all, that includes YOU.

Please, Pass it now... Amend it later.


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