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Unofficial Polls
I've added a couple unofficial polls to my blog site. I'll keep them open for a couple months. It is IP based so you can not vote more then once on a candidate in each race.

Is anyone going to the Mayoral Forum tomorrow night?

Don't shoot the messenger!
Good work, Damon. I just voted!
Looks like my three favorite guys- Pilago, Gumapac, and Marzi are in the lead Smile
I just found your blog and it is very well put together. Thank you for all your work for our community. I voted and I see I'm behind Anthony in the State House race. I need to work harder.
Should we treat these unofficial polls the same as the Wheelabrator's poll? [}Smile]
Thanks Steve and Jen-ay,

You can treat these polls anyway you want. I'm not tampering with them and you can only vote once per IP address which does limit multiple people from one household that is using the same IP address to vote from.

I can tell you that in less then 36 hours on the net,

249 Votes have been cast between the polls that I listed.

I will also be taking down the poll for a few weeks before the actual elections and then running another poll. Giving people an opportunity to vote for a different candidate if their views have changed.

I'm not pushing any candidate so as I said... treat the poll the way you would like... just don't grumble about it if you didn't vote in it. [Big Grin]
Originally posted by nnickle

To Damon
Why no poll on district 6? We are a part of Puna also.

Because I do not live in District 6.

But as you request...It is now up.

*Edit Update*

I have allowed users of the polls to see the votes cast as they are placed.

I also decided I will be closing the polls after 7 days and then re-opening a new set of polls down the road to see if constituents have changed their minds about candidates.

And whatever these polls mean to anyone.... Please go out and vote for real when the opportunity is given to you.
Originally posted by Bob Orts

Should we treat these unofficial polls the same as the Wheelabrator's poll? [}Smile]



James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

In case you haven't had a chance to vote on this {plug} Unofficial poll... I'm bumping this thread.

Some of the races are very close.

You don't even have to live here to vote on this.... it's non-scientific and doesn't mean anything.

However, it will show a direct reflection of how people that visit my site vote.

Some of the polls have just blown me away in the response. I would have never believed that an incumbent, Naeole, would be sitting on the bottom of a poll.

This poll is just for fun...

However, I do hope everyone comes out and votes on the day it counts.


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