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who dat?
So anyone in or around HSRE see/hear/notice that huge airplane that just flew tree tops over at cruising speed? In CA large planes flew low when applying fire retardant and this guy/gal looked like they were headed to a fire, do we have those types of planes here? Thanks.
I didn't notice it. Must've been further down the hill than I am...

aloha, Liz

"The best things in life aren't things."
Down on Malolo and came from makai going mauka
Did you see any markings? There are some large propeller driven Navy and Coast Guard weather/radar/search planes that do touch and go landings at Hilo and practice runs around the Big Island. Maybe it was one of them. I don't think the wacky-weed hunters routinely use large planes, so it probably wasn't Green Harvest.

I didn't see a plane, but I just saw a lady riding a horse down Kahakai Blvd. Had to do a double-take!


Other people can talk about how to expand the destiny of mankind. I just want to talk about how to fix a motorcycle. I think that what I have to say has more lasting value.”
Robert Pirsig

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Jerry thanks for the information. Unfortunately by the time I made it out doors the plane was flying away so I did not see any markings and truthfully I couldn't even say if it were prop or jet. Very loud, very low and pretty fast passing over.
Tim a horse huh, I've seen a lot of their cousins (a**e*) but no horses!
I have seen a large plane just inland at Kaloli Point HPP going to the South. Red hatch mark on the tail. 2 engine, and low.

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