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Kenoi - Bar fight in 2004?

Censored... that's a pretty funny comment about me not wishing to post someones BS on my site. Censored... hah... laughing out loud. Keep directly insulting Punaweb members here on Punaweb... you may find your self censored here too. [Wink]

Do you have anything to contribute to Punaweb besides trying to extend this bar fight thing? Just curious.

How was the weather on the Kona side? How is Higa doing?[}Smile]

Censored! I'll show you ****ing censored.![}Smile]
Originally posted by Damon... How is Higa doing?[}Smile]

[}Smile][Big Grin] Spending his time looking for new secretary???
Originally posted by Damon

Censored... that's a pretty funny comment about me not wishing to post someones BS on my site. Censored... hah... laughing out loud. Keep directly insulting Punaweb members here on Punaweb... you may find your self censored here too. [Wink]

Do you have anything to contribute to Punaweb besides trying to extend this bar fight thing? Just curious.

How was the weather on the Kona side? How is Higa doing?[}Smile]


So, now you're threatening to censor me here too? Man, you absolutely insist on proving my point don't you?

As for "extending the bar fight", just how much of a tool are you? Sure, I have an opinion but mostly all I've done is ask people to read the police reports. That and pointing out that, those who say because the folks behind akamaivoters insist on anonymity they are smearing Billy, are either in the bag for Billy or are so naive as to be complete fools. I don't think Hunter is a fool, but admittedly, the jury is still out on you.

The smear accusation makes me think of Deep Throat and Richard Nixon because the Nixon guys said the exact same thing about Deep Throat and his information as the Billy folks are saying now about akamaivoters. But then, that's the way it always works in politics isn't it? Someone tells an uncomfortable truth about someone else and if they give their name they're attacked personally. If they don't give their name they're accused of a smear for choosing to remain anonymous. ANYTHING to keep people from looking at the information, right Damon?

I have no idea how the weather in Kona is, I live in Hilo and don't think I've been to Kona since the Democratic rally at the old airport. Again, I think it telling that you apparently have no understanding how someone could be non-partisan. I guess that says more about you and why you yelled "smear" than I ever could.

FYI, the last time I spoke to Stacey he was fine, as were Billy, Angel, and Lorraine. I know every one of them personally but I haven't spoken to any of them since I spoke to all of them at the Hari Boat races. Wait a sec., I did talk to Billy at the Crown Room and I think that was after the Hari Boat races. You know, that's almost my point: who I know or don't know doesn't change the police report one iota.

One last thing, "Glob" is about right for your Blog.
Originally posted by George
...One last thing, "Glob" is about right for your Blog.

Then quit visiting it please [Wink]

I know it's a glob and that's why I call it as such.

From a reply to an email I sent the anonymous Akonipule character... According to him.... the alleged victim of this assault, Grabel, is returning to the islands soon. I guess he will be able to speak for himself instead of all these people that don't even know the dude.

Originally posted by Damon

Originally posted by George
...One last thing, "Glob" is about right for your Blog.

Then quit visiting it please [Wink]


Apparently you haven't noticed but I already have.[8D] I don't bother with either you or Hunter because you're both so biased it's pointless.

Actually, under normal circumstances I'm not much of a blogger in general. As I mentioned before, what got me going in this case was Hunter's absurd position that this was a smear because of akamaivoters desire for anonymity. Someone mentioned it to me, I read his blog, I was incredulous, I tried to post a short and polite reply, and he censored my post. That really ticked me off and made me realize he was more trying to protect Billy than be impartial as he tells everyone he is (You could say he was being the Fox News of the blogosphere.) Ironically for you guys, Hunter and you trying to do what I perceive as a reverse smear made me push as hard as I could to get people to read Billy's police reports in order to fight your smear of akamaivoters. Truth is, before Hunter started trying to cover Billy's past up by accusing the messenger of a misdeed for publishing official police documents, I'd never heard of akamaivoters and wasn't paying any attention to the Mayor's race. Hopefully you both realize that by trying to hang the messenger instead of focusing on the message you shot yourselves in the foot.

Anyway, then I went from his blog to yours and found you were essentially a clone; ether a Hunter sycophant or also in the bag for Billy, hard to tell which. BUT, at least you allowed differing opinions to be posted. True to form though, that didn't last long.

The bottom line as far as you're concerned is I don't really appreciating a biased viewpoint so visiting your site doesn't appeal to me. Not withstanding your threat to have me censored, Punaweb seems straight-up so I'll probably continue to check in here now and then, but that's about it.
Originally posted by Greg


Ya, Nixon.
Originally posted by George....
....Anyway, then I went from his blog to yours and found you were essentially a clone; ether a Hunter sycophant or also in the bag for Billy, hard to tell which.....


I really wish you would quit insulting Hunter. I know he can fend for himself, but comparing my glob of crap to his hard work is really an insult to him.... I would think.

Like I said earlier... get a grip.[}Smile]

I'm not sure I understand the connection between Deep throat and akamaivoterguy, George.

According to your link, Deep throat was an ex Law enforcement official convicted of a felony, and there was no mention of what the "Nixon guys" said about his anonominity.

Is there something you know about akamaivoterghost that you're not telling?...............Come on now, are you and him writing a book about this? If so, could I do the cover art?


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