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Council District 5 DEBATE:
Hawaii County Council District 5 DEBATE

Tomorrow, September 6th 10:00 AM

Pahoa Community Center


Be there to see how candidates respond to the questions you want to hear

Sponsors: Main Street Pahoa Association and Friends of Puna's Future


Mike Hale - President of MSPA
Hunter Bishop - From FoPF


I plan on being there...

Transplanted Texan
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
That's great Jon... I won't be hard to find[:o)]

I talked to a teacher today and they are giving extra credit points to their students who attend!

I wish someone would ask the candidates opposed to the Thirty Meter Telescope what concrete, implementable, and fundable plan they have to bring the Island $1.1 billion in material investment, dozens of high-paying jobs, substantial targeted scholarship funding, and an enhanced reputation as a center for scientific research. It's really easy to say "no more," but not so easy to propose something better.


Your point is fair. Indeed, such strategic policy decisions need to be based on side-by-side, comprehensive comparisons of genuine alternatives -- rather than one proposal, up or down.
$1.1 billion is a big chunk of change on this island -- no matter where it is spent.
How it is spent, makes a vast difference.
My guess is, lots of the telescope $$ will go to buy very sophisticated equipment manufactured elsewhere and shipped here at a cost to be taken right off the top.
The high-paying jobs, scholarships (reference?), and science center setting are indeed attractive, but not the whole story and certainly no where most of the $$ will be spent.
Do you have the projected financial breakdown and/or economic impact details for the proposed telescope?
If you get, or at least link me to an online source of, the numbers on total and on-the-ground investment, jobs, salaries, and other direct and indirect economic impact, I'll pull out some tools from the economic tool kit and see what can be compared.
Basic analysis generates multipliers for income, employment, and sales
A cost/benefit analysis can also be helpful -- all costs have benefits and vice versa. And, it's not just how much cost and how much benefit, but who pays the cost and who gets the benefit.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Thanks to the moderators and organizers!

First impressions from the very good event I tried, really hard, to not say too much too good about any of them Wink


Grandiose schemes (promises?), many of which do not fit the job description very well. The Kanaka Council seems to be the candidate. If there was a candidate from the Sierra Club or the Chamber of Commerce or Malama O Puna that was so indistinguishable from their organization, would that be OK? A voice for malama ka aina on the Council, perhaps. Too much grandiosity can also alienate would-be Council (and community) allies and cripple a good cause.


Clearly not afraid to take a strong position, even if certain to alienate a given voter bloc (e.g., Hemp Nation), or to exaggerate more than is necessary even in a political campaign (e.g., 100megaWatts of geothermal and sending it to other islands). Not afraid to get stuck into the nitty gritty of policy issues either.


Was more prepared than I have ever seen her be for anything. Amazing what some serious competition will do!


His familiarity with the Council is clearly an advantage in answering questions; and his assurances of being able to be a different elected official than before are unconvincing.


Staked the whole campaign on her ability to convince other Council members to do what she wants done. Well, at least that at last makes clear what her vision is.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
I will easily place Kale Gumapac and Wayne Joseph at the top of the field for District 5.

My preference for Puna Council rep in order of preference are as follows:

1. Kale Gumapac
2. Wayne Joseph
3. Gary Safarik
4. Kaniu Stockdale
5. Emily Naeole

I have made my support for Kale clear and will stand by him. He has the passion and intelligence and honesty to represent Puna well.

Wayne Joesph has similar qualities but, in my opinion, less investment in the environmental and social issues.

Gary Safarik is indeed experienced. I think his previous terms are sufficient for Gary. He lost badly last time and the district's needs are more important than Gary's.

Kaniu Stocksdale is friendly and receptive - both qualities Emily Naeole lacks.

Emily had her moment on the day she was elected and it went downhill from there. She has, despite her repeated claims of aloha, divine guidance and affection for everyone, shown a clear lack of respect for people and a clear lack of understanding of the important issues that face Puna. Actions speak louder than words. Her actions have defined her. She votes with Hilo. Time for new blood.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
My thoughts on the "debate"

Gumapac - He came off a little to "against everything" for my taste. seemed very anti-business and anti-growth at any cost.

Joseph - Sounded like a nice guy to debate with, but would be more effective in a support roll than on the counsel. also seemed anti-business and anti-growth.

Naeole - well what can you say. She was prepared and come off well.

Safarik - Came off a little frustrated and arrogant to me but seemed to know how things worked. seemed more pro-business than the others.

Stockdale - she seemed nice and easy going, I think she might have an aggressive streak that can come out but she keeps it in check. Even after listening to her 3 times I still don't know what he stands for or how she would vote on issues.

Gumapac took himself out consideration by me with the "no geothermal at no time" comment (not an exact quote)

Joseph took himself out consideration by me with the little outburst about what's fare in a question.

Naeole - I am still considering her, though not the best orator she seems to actual want to do what's right and she is still the only one of all the candidates that I have seen out doing things, not just talking about them.

Safarik - I am still considering him, I need to talk to him for a min or two and make sure he is really in favor of moving Hawaii into the 21 century or if I am just hearing what I want to hear.

Stockdale took herself out consideration by me due to the lack of passion. though this may be due to her training, she comes off like a poor little school girl.

There seems to be way to much talk from the candidates about listening to others, I don't want a Councilperson that has to go talk to someone every time an issue comes up, I want one that I know how they will react to most issues so they don't have to be contacted or have to contact "the people" every time something new comes up. They are supposed to be our "representatives" not our puppets.

I am also curious , does everyone on this island smoke dope but me? [Smile]

Transplanted Texan
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Originally posted by Jon
...I am also curious , does everyone on this island smoke dope but me? [Smile]

No... but most of us know of a friend, family member, co-worker, neighbor or someone in general who does and is a positive person in their community.

You did hear Former Police Officer and Former Councilman and Candidate mention that if he knew of where or how to score weed for his sick mother that he would have.

Don't get me wrong, I am for legalization and taxation of most if not all drugs...
I just find it funny that it seems to come up at every political event I have been to.

getting the feds to legalize it is the problem... I do not believe it will ever happen.

Transplanted Texan
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii

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