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Council District 5 DEBATE:
Originally posted by Jon

I just find it funny that it seems to come up at every political event I have been to...

Well it's not so funny to some of us whom have watched relatives or friends die painful deaths because previously in Hawaii, weed was not legal for medicinal purposes.

Now we are still watching friends, family, neighbors, etc. die because they aren't able to access their meds because of so many screwed up regulations regarding this issue.

The way I see it.. the lack of medical facility's here is more of a problem then legalizing dope....

I just had the fun experience of having the State of Hawaii tell my employer that I had to have more insurance... so I now have new insurance that my doctor won't take...

I am just going to have to get used to the government here telling me how to live and what is good for me.

Transplanted Texan
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
I’ll try and make this a short as possible. The forum or debate as Rob calls it went off quite well and kudos to all concerned, big mahalo’s to all candidates for being there. It sure helped me in my dicission making.

Kale Gumapac went to the bottom of my list by being against about everything like geothermal, HSF, to how we clear our personal property. His involvement with the Kanaka council seems to dictate who he is and his primary concern is to stop everything.

Wayne Joesph is a little too arrogant for me and seems to pout like a small child if thing don’t go his way. I’m not looking to elect ego, I want someone to identify with. I tribute this to having too much time being boss in his own classroom.

Emily Naeole presented herself the best that I have ever seen her and most certainly was impressive. Aunti Tutu works from the heart, but is misunderstood by too many. Leaving too large of a gap for the good of Puna.

Gary Safarik seems to have mellowed out a bunch and was impressive. After reviewing his past record he sure has done much for Puna and I believe that he will continue on that same path. If nothing else he doesn’t need a learning curb like all of the others.

Kaniu Stocksdale I hope that it’s time for her to be more recognized, she shows a strong presents and wants to work with the rest of the council members. Not being so aggressive and self served is like a breath of fresh air, unlike other candidates she seems to want the job simply to help Puna.

I would like to see Gary and Kaniu head for the general election.

The Lack

The issue about Safarik "not listening" to people had nothing to do with him chasing after folks; although getting out on the street, in the market, and down on the beach talking straight with the constituents does not seem irrational at all. The point is, when people went to Safarik he would not listen -- that is inexcusable.

Joseph's 'aggression'? Look back at the posts from the last forum where folks said he was too easy going; this was when he followed Gumapac in giving several answers and always had a kind thing to say about Gumapac's response in doing so -- that is the sportsman in him: not only very competitive, but also respectful of the competition.

Curious, the expression, "anti-" or "pro" business. Does not say very much in itself. Pro local entrepreneurs? You bet and we need more of 'em. Pro multinational conglomerate having local monopoly power? Not as long as I draw breath.

Geothermal. Although I have not heard any candidate, or public official, make what I thought was really a rational statement about Geothermal, it is my sense that a much needed community conversation could take place and this campaign might well start that. The place to start would be with a lot more certain information than I have seen or heard.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Curious, the expression, "anti-" or "pro" business. Does not say very much in itself. Pro local entrepreneurs? You bet and we need more of 'em. Pro multinational conglomerate having local monopoly power? Not as long as I draw breath.

local monopoly power?

this whole state is nothing but that. from the shipping into the state to the shipping around the state, to the people letting something new come in.

Please do not take offense to my post, it is just my observation after traveling here for year, living here for a short time and speaking with family that has been here for a few years.

From what I can see, there is no money here to be invested in the private sector for things like grocery stores and such, so where does that needed infrastructure come from? Government? Taxes? Anyone willing to invest money in Puna should be allowed to come and do so without the being beat up and demonized for being successful at what they do. If Wal-Mart wanted to open a store in Pahoa, the negotiations should only include things like "90% of store employees must be employees from Puna", "tax abetments" or "highway access". Not questions of whether they are a big box/mom&pop or how much will they give the local officials any graft.

again sorry my libertarian side is showing tonight.

Transplanted Texan
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Originally posted by Tom Lackey

I’ll try and make this a short as possible. The forum or debate as Rob calls it went off quite well and kudos to all concerned, big mahalo’s to all candidates for being there. It sure helped me in my dicission making.

Kale Gumapac went to the bottom of my list by being against about everything like geothermal, HSF, to how we clear our personal property. His involvement with the Kanaka council seems to dictate who he is and his primary concern is to stop everything.

Wayne Joesph is a little too arrogant for me and seems to pout like a small child if thing don’t go his way. I’m not looking to elect ego, I want someone to identify with. I tribute this to having too much time being boss in his own classroom.

Emily Naeole presented herself the best that I have ever seen her and most certainly was impressive. Aunti Tutu works from the heart, but is misunderstood by too many. Leaving too large of a gap for the good of Puna.

Gary Safarik seems to have mellowed out a bunch and was impressive. After reviewing his past record he sure has done much for Puna and I believe that he will continue on that same path. If nothing else he doesn’t need a learning curb like all of the others.

Kaniu Stocksdale I hope that it’s time for her to be more recognized, she shows a strong presents and wants to work with the rest of the council members. Not being so aggressive and self served is like a breath of fresh air, unlike other candidates she seems to want the job simply to help Puna.

I would like to see Gary and Kaniu head for the general election.

The Lack

Based on that observation I will try to talk to Kaniu one more time and see if my mind can be changed.

Transplanted Texan
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Originally posted by Jon
Based on that observation I will try to talk to Kaniu one more time and see if my mind can be changed.

Transplanted Texan


I only wanted Jon to see the link I posted and didn't want to open up a can of worms again. Jon saw the link and I have removed it.



I opened up my email... sorry I have been on Boards to long....

Transplanted Texan
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
The Debate video is now posted online thanks to David Corrigan at Big Island Video News


Have had a look at some of the Big Island Video (THANK YOU!).

Two responses from Gumapac that are simply not credible.

(1) How to resolve our wasteful problem?
He proposed a “zero waste to energy facility” There ain’t no such thing. Some of what he described sounded like a sorting station.
If he knows what he is talking about, why not say that? How could he say so much and know so little about the topic?

(2) What was his involvement in the Puna Community Development Plan?
He said the Kanaka Council proposed a “ahupua`a concept” and the “village center” was born from that.
I challenge that as absolutely untrue.
The village center idea was born from frustration of driving long distances to do or get anything.
As it happens, the first time I had the pleasure of meeting Kale was at a CDP small group meeting in HPP; and never saw him again at any workshops, working group meetings, steering committee meetings, or even the online discussions.


going back to look at more of the video...

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

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