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Angel Pilago vs. Billy Kenoi
The thing is Rob, you don't have to convince me! The people voting are the ones to be reached. Many do not read the paper or go to political meetings, unless an issue directly affects them, that is not going to change! They listen to their friends and local gossip, life is simple, laid back. They will probably make their final decision when they are at the voting booth, and then decide at that moment, which candidate will is do more for them! The problem with Punaweb members, is that you read, research, analyze and then make informed decisions, and expect other people to do the same, it doesn't work that way.
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

But if you are a contractor who is used to getting $2 million to do $1 million worth of work you might have reason to be concerned and should probably donate to the guy who will keep you happy.

This alone is enough reason to vote for Mr. Pilago, although there are plenty of others. County public works projects cost twice as much and take three times as long to complete as they should. Rob and KahunaScott both have experience in construction contracts and can tell you about this. The bidding and procurement process in place is badly flawed. You get the same contractors over and over getting all the work at bloated prices, and guess whose campaign they are funding?

Vote for Angel Pilago, and spread the word beyond Punaweb. Most of the voters don't even know what Punaweb is, and the only way to reach them is by personal contact. That means talking with neighbors and friends until enough people know they have a real and important choice.

New video posted:

Kenoi vs. Pilago on Trash in Hawaii


Another Video Posted:

Pilago's Plan to Stabilize Our Island

General Election Unofficial Poll
Deception by Kenoi regarding the Council's voting down the Wheelabrator proposal.
The process was NOT cut short by the Council vote.
As can be seen on the links below, Wheelabrator was tasked to present a "best and final offer". Twice an extension was granted to Wheelabrator to provide more informaiton. Once the "best and final offer" was public and obviously unsatisfactory then Wheelabrator commenced to try to stall. (slide #19)

Kenoi mis-statements to the media table on September 4 on the issue of waste:

1) Stated that the RFP was for the companies to "come in and help us solve it." That sounds nice, but is NOT true -- instead, the RFP narrowed the choices to a "waste reduction technology" and then further limited the options so that only combustion (incineration) remained. Angel Pilago publicly and repeatedly expressed concerns about this narrowing of options.

2) Stated that the amount of trash was not going to decrease and would only increase. This is totally against what is happening on the leading edge of Zero Waste, such as in New Zealand, as well as the Philippines where incineration has been banned.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Both these guys are good ole boy banana slugs that will continue to rip off West side taxpayers by enriching their east side thugs...Kona needs it's own County.
Mohala makes one post and no contribution.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Angel Pilago for Mayor

Angel Pilago is an accomplished legislator, a citizen-defender of rights, and a bona fide hero.

Angel Pilago has demonstrated capabilities and successes as an elected member of the Hawaii County Council, as a successful plaintiff in the US Supreme Court, and as recipient of the Silver Star for Heroism in the US Army.

Angel Pilago has been a leader in passing legislation to cause developers to pay their own way and in legal actions to allow access for traditional gathering and perpetuation of the host culture.

Angel Pilago has stood up for empowerment of those without power, and this has left him without the support of powerful big-money campaign donators.

Angel Pilago for Mayor -- because he is the candidate with maturity and sound judgment, demonstrated exceptional leadership capabilities, independence from big-money campaign donators, and a proven record of opening government for public participation.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Banana slugs are the mascot of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Let's keep name calling out of the conversation and be constructive.

For the past 3 1/2 years I've spent about 1/3 to 1/2 my time caring for my grandchildren in Kona. I know the issues... believe me, I do. Part of the Kona problem is how work was defined and contracts awarded and what kind of accountability was specified in each contract. Neither Billy Kenoi nor Angel Pilago created and maintained that mess. It is endemic in the County system.

I've heard Billy speak on a few occasions... good speaker, but his presentation on the Wheel-a-brator issue is NOT correct. I supported him at first. He can be exciting... but the substance I expect from my Mayor wasn't there.

Read James Weatherford, he is right on. I've observed and interacted with Angel Pilago on the County Council for 4 years. His measured thoughtfulness, his knowledge of the issues, back to the time those issues were created, his determination to have an accountable administration, department by department, his VOTES on matters before the council, provide a clear record of positive action. Most of all, he thinks island wide.

Don't slime this Man in favor of splitting up the county. This is the same old 'let's split California into two states' argument' that held no water for the 45 yrs I lived there. Hitch up your britches, bro... you live in Hawaii. Put your energies into positive actions and results... If you live Kona side, take yourself into any school near you and HELP! And while you're doing that worthwhile service, peruse the contracts let by the County for road construction in Kona. Look at the dates when the contracts were approved and which contractors were selected. Check who was on the council at that time, check their votes. See which work is done in a timely manner, and which work is not... Some contracts are State contracts, others, county contracts. You'll have your work cut out for you.

In the meantime, Angel Pilago has demonstrated time and time again that he THINKS before he makes a decision, and his decisions affect HAWAII ISLAND as a whole. Angel Pilago is a man of the PEOPLE, that includes you and me. His decisions are made FOR THE WELL-BEING OF THE PEOPLE. I'm hoping the capital letters get your attention.

A hui hou, Barbara
Aloha. I’m the website guy at PBS Hawaii, and I just wanted to let you know that the candidates are scheduled to appear together on the Thursday, October 30th episode of Island Insights (live at 7:30 pm.) You and your readers can send in questions ahead of time to They can also call in questions during the live program. They should be aware that we sometimes get a very large number of questions, so we may not be able to get to everything, but we do our best. The webpage for Island Insights is at

General Election Unofficial Poll

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