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Kenoi's Education???
Dave... you said it yourself:

"criminal promotion of marijuana"

What type of promoting do you think he was doing... Giving away marijuana for free?[?]

Criminal Promotion of Marijuana is the legal term for "Dealing" as far as I know. I could be wrong.[Wink]

My Blog
You heard it from who? When Kenoi sues you will those "who's" admit they told you?
Gordon J Tilley
Originally posted by gtill

You heard it from who? When Kenoi sues you will those "who's" admit they told you?


As I said... I was looking for a public account of a rumor that I had heard.

Dave confirmed it... Kenoi was "promoting marijuana".

Even the Newspaper said it... however I wasn't able to find the public record of it until Dave pointed it out.

"Kenoi is not shy about discussing his big brush with the law..."

"..he was arrested for driving under the influence and criminal promotion of marijuana..."

So if Kenoi wants to sue anyone... he can sue himself for doing something illegal when he was an "Adult" which is public record.

My Blog
From Wikipedia:
Promotion involves disseminating information about a product, product line, brand, or company. It is one of the four key aspects of the marketing mix. (The other three elements are product marketing, pricing, and distribution.)

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
-Dudley Field Malone
Originally posted by Damon

Criminal Promotion of Marijuana is the legal term for "Dealing" as far as I know. I could be wrong.[Wink]

You are (again)!

"Promotion" as defined by the Hawaii Revised Statutes means you possessed.

Do you know how to do basic research?
Damon, yes, you are wrong. There are various degrees of promotion of marijuana beginning with third degree for possession of a small amount. As I said, and as you conveniently ignored, all levels are "criminal" (that means involving a crime, you know) but the charge must rise to the level of "commercial" promotion before it's considered dealing or the potential for dealing.

So I guess it's Puna Enquirer time again. It's certainly in keeping with your recent blog post that you later removed in which you questioned whether Sen. Daniel Inouye had actually received a Medal of Honor.

I'll go out on a sturdy limb here and say I believe you knew the difference between criminal and commercial but decided to play with semantics to take cheap shots at Kenoi. By the way, that's also emulating Andrew Walden's approach to "journalism," so you're in fine company.

New lows, Damon, new lows. But all we have to do is consider the source.

Originally posted by Dave Smith

I'll go out on a sturdy limb here and say I believe you knew the difference between criminal and commercial but decided to play with semantics to take cheap shots at Kenoi.

Well you are incorrect by saying I "knew"...

Sorry I don't have much experience with getting busted...

Nor have I ever professed to be some Pulitzer Prize winner [Wink]

My Blog
There you go again with the implications. You know, there are lots of people out there who are knowledgeable about things that they have not experienced. You do read, don't you?

And nobody's expecting stellar writing, just an honest interpretation of the facts. Is that too much to ask? Lately, apparently so.
Originally posted by Damon

Well you are incorrect by saying I "knew"...

Unless he heard it via rumor. In that case, according to your rules, that's as valid as a confession.

Hey Dave, according to the sister-in-law of the guy who hangs out on Banyon Drive, near the fish market; he overheard someone saying that they belive the dog of the postman who was at KTA said that Rasta-Mon Hippie found a fish that told him if you look at the H-130 community proposal on a turntable while spining in circles it will cast an image that said "Damon Knew". Heck that should be good enough as proof worth repeating.[:o)][Big Grin][}Smile]
Wow. A lot of nonsense means that some of you like Damon don't have day jobs and don't have a good education. It probably will reflect in his vote tomorrow.

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