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Is President Obama Hawaiian?
I say "hell yes". I'm a little verklempt right now, so y'all go ahead and discuss and I will check back in after I polish off this magnum (of champagne, 2nd Amendment lovers, champagne).
wow, are you just looking to stir up something or what.

then there is the whole "magnum" comment.

Transplanted Texan
"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some *** ... and I'm all out of bubble gum"
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
I've actually wondered this quite a bit myself. While reading the news today they kept saying people in his hometown were celebrating... but they were talking about Chicago. I guess you would have to ask him.
According to the definition I keep getting walloped up alongside the head with, NO, he's local hapa haole - never was, never can be Hawaiian. As for the magnum, I'm hoping you're meaning of champagne, not .44 - had to look up verklempt, I like it, mind if I use it? Aloha!

Originally posted by Glen

I say "hell yes". I'm a little verklempt right now, so y'all go ahead and discuss and I will check back in after I polish off this magnum.

use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without
I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
This topic came up in one of my high school civics classes today; the kids all were emphatic that Obama is "local" just like them. Not Hawaiian, but definitely "local". They are so proud and excited that someone "just like us" will be president!

I hear a lot in the media and on line from African Americans who rightfully feel like the last institutional barrier for them has fallen; but looking from a Hawaii perspective, and as a teacher in Hawaii, I think this is just as important for all these "local" kids to see that one of them could rise to the very top. And best of all, he didn't do it because he is an Ultimate fighter, boxer, or a football player, he did it because he is very smart and very hard working guy who wanted to make a positive contribution to the world. Pono is the word that comes to mind.

My last thought is to share a statement Michelle Obama made (I am paraphrasing from memory so don't flame me for getting it a little wrong). Michelle said that you can't understand her husband and what motivates him unless you understand Hawaii, and that there were things about him that she valued but did not understand until she came with him to Hawaii. So he may not be "Hawaiian" but he is Hawaii's own, and Hawaii has left an Island style mark on his soul, something our country needs. Maybe we can have a little Aloha and Pono in Washington now, we sure could use it.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Ask the OHA and find out if he qualifies for HHL property! [Big Grin]

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

i betcha oha would make an exception, however i think it's a disgrace that every hawaiian doesn't have their own land yet
By the time the news media is finished, we'll all be Hawaiian - boy that ought to please some people Smile


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Hey, maybe OHA will make land available for the Hawaiian White House. Sure, it would be putting the screws to the deserving people that have waited a lifetime, but hey, gotta share the wealth.

Gee loffelkopffl, this is perhaps the 2nd post I agree with you, why OHA can't disperse these lands in short order is more than a disgrace.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
I agree, I see him as viewing the mainland through the lens that Hawaiian-borns do, not like the black and white that we here in Michigan frequently see. (I think I'm lucky to comprehend this difference.)
And to top it off, he really IS an Afro-American by birth. I mean not from Alabama, Detroit, or Watts - but because his dad WAS an African! (I never liked that name for darker-skinned citizens unless they WERE.)
THEN, he also absorbed some of the Anglo culture, from his mom & grandparents - what a mix!
I can understand why he roomed with Pakistani in college - more diverse cultures to learn about. Many shades of humans, but all seeking a place and knowledge.
Interesting that Michelle found its source. >smile<

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