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Is President Obama Hawaiian?
Why so thin skinned. Rob gets to have an opinion too. Yes, he gets some deference being the owner of the site, but amazingly little. He has received more than his share of abuse in the past on this site and he tolerates it amazingly well. If you want to be "out", that's your business, but find a better reason because that one doesn't fly.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Questioning the birth qualification of a Presidential candidate is nothing new. It seems to me to be irrelevant in the context of the real world, and certainly Obama has served the US well in the past, with no quibbles from the choir. I can remember when Barry Goldwater was a Presidential candidate, there were those who thought he should be disqualified by virtue of the fact that although he was unquestionably born in Arizona, at the time of his birth Arizona was not a State! As W C Fields (an irascible atheist) said when asked why he was reading the Bible during his last illness, "Just looking for loopholes"

I come from a Brit background, where the prevailing thought at election time was to vote against the incumbent and 'let the other guys have a go'. I'm of that same mind now, and I defy anyone to say that there is any possibility that Obama could do a worse job than the incumbent. End of rant, my apologies for getting into national politics.
When I needed a copy of my birth certificate 2 years ago, the new one wasn't from a fiche, like the one I couldn't find from 20 years ago - it was a newly printed (not typed) certificate, computer-generated. Although mine was from Detroit, I bet Honolulu has modernized its office, too.
Just did a lot of research on the Akaka bill.
Huge can of worms...
Obama says he will vote for the bill. I just wonder what it will look like when that happens. there are 28 revisions so far! How many more will it take to get it right?
Here's what Obama said back in 2004 from Honolulu Advertiser
Hawai'i-born U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., a Punahou graduate, says his local ties mean that "there's no doubt that I'm going to be sympathetic to certain issues that face the Hawaiian Islands — the situation regarding Native Hawaiians ... the environ-ment and how that impacts the treasure that is Hawai'i."

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
President Elect is a son of Hawaii and nothing can change that. He will always have that heritage and perspective. We can thank God for that.

I lived in Chicago for 15 years and I love that town. Obama moved there out of law school for a job opportunity. Knowing what I know about Chicago and Hawaii, that was probably a better choice for him. And then he met his wife who had strong family connections in Chicago, so it makes sense that is where he stayed. Just because he has lived there for the last 20 years does not take away from what he learned in Hawaii. Where he ended up has nothing to do with race. It has more to do with economic opportunity for a man just out of law school (probably with a lot of student loans to pay back).

I too sensed that when has returned to Hawaii that he truly loves this place and all he experienced here. His next visit will be bitter sweet, to memorialize his grandmother (a long time Hawaiian resident that should be honored for all she did to give America such a man).

And finally I agree with the fact that Hawaii's kids can relate to a man born and raised much of his formative years here that became president. It is fantastic that they have this role model.

I saw reports of people all over the world rejoicing at his win. All ages, all races, all socio economic many countries. Finally, we have a president that people the world over actually like and respect. It is about time.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
Originally posted by Lin W

According to the definition I keep getting walloped up alongside the head with, NO, he's local hapa haole - never was, never can be Hawaiian. As for the magnum, I'm hoping you're meaning of champagne, not .44 - had to look up verklempt, I like it, mind if I use it? Aloha!

Obama is Hawaiian. He was born here which makes him Hawaiian, but not by bloodlines though. But much in the same way a hispanic born in California is a Californian by birth,and will be referred to as one also.

I realize that there is some confusion on this matter ,and of course it doesn't help when Hawaii's own mayor & Groucho Marx impersonator Linda Dingle(as in berry) said that Obama is not from Hawaii!?[Big Grin] Got I dislike that lady!!!!!


You know the only difference between Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney is ... lipstick.

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
I don't see how a person that is Born in Kenya with an Indonesian passport, a mother from Kansas and a Father from Kenya would make you Hawaiian. Just because you go to Punahou ain't enough.

Well I guess if you scramble the letters in Kansas, Kenya and Punahou you could get Kaneohe. Now that is the origin of Hawaiians.
esnap, You posted a link earlier that showed Obama's Honolulu birth certificate. Where do you get "born in Kenya"? Go to to see that his birth certificate questions are an another internet hoax.

From another point of view; As far as I know, a person born in a foreign country by an American parent IS an American citizen. So even if his birth certificate unlikely was a forgery and a 47 year old conspiracy, he is a US citizen.

American citizen or no (eg Arnie) you have to be born in the USA to be able to be President.

So where's the Kenyan birth certificate?
Just as a point of comparison on this (non) issue.

Why is this a topic at this point? The status of Barak Obama as an American citizen born in Hawaii has been resolved as has the status of John McCain as an American citizen born in the Panama Canal Zone.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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