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Walmart Black Friday sales online today
If your interested in the after thanksgiving sales..take a look at Walmarts Hilo store brochure that came out today! Just enter 96720 zip code to get local sales.
Thanks!! I have been waiting for the ads to start coming in

It saddens me to see people promoting shopping at Walmart on this site. To each their own, but remember that every dollar we spend is a vote for that product, that business. Let's all do our part to support local business this year and send a message to the Hawaii Chamber of Commerce that we want to expand our local based economy, not mainland conglomerates.
Lowes has there ad out too: go to weekly ad
Home Depot has there ads out online as well.

That is a great site. And let's not forget how heavy pots and pans are, so a deal is a deal. Amazon always ships free to Hawaii, so that is another great place to shop and you can get online coupons for them too. You are choosing quality products too... All Clad and Henckel are great brands for the kitchen.

I had a cooking schoolfor home cooks in Chicago and will be opening one in Hilo next year.

Having said all of that, let's not forget the local (not big box) business owners, they are having sales too and when you support them, you support our local economy, which is so important. Even when you shop at the Hawaiian big box stores, you are paying local taxes which do help the economy of Hawaii in some way, and of course you are helping to pay the wages of Hawaiians. It is just where the rest of the profits from those big box stores goes that is not a benefit to us.

Originally posted by Buzz

Black Friday is over but looks like the sales go on. While searching for the best price for an All-Clad cooking set for a xmas gift, I found a great deal on

They offer free shipping but there is a $19.95 shipping surcharge to hawai'i. Now you may not think thats such a good deal BUT if you use promotion code PRETHX which ends today, you get 20% off everything on their website. Not only did I save a bundle on my gift puchase but I picked up some savings on some pro s henckel knives!

There is also a link to an online cooking school which I think is totally awesome. Even though its a paid site, they have a 30 day free trial membership.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
It may not a be a benefit to us...but at least we can afford it. When it comes down to go to where you get the most for your buck....and that usually happens to be larger chain stores like Walmart and K-Mart and Costco. Local businesses just can't match their prices!

With the hawaiian economy predicted to be in bad shape for years to come...many people here have little choice.
I agree and understand your feelings regarding cost. It is true that the large corporate stores do provide a value, especially those like Target and Walmart. That is the secret to their successs for sure, all over America. My husband worked for Alberto Culver (Aberto Vo5, St. Ives, Nexus, and many more personal care produts) and although he did not work in sales, he was aware of how those big companies buy and sell. For instance, they only made THREE CENTS a bottle on each bottle of shampoo or conditioner... they just sold so much of it that it resulted in profits. There is no way a local company can compete with that, and hence they go out of business.

It is surely a sad comentary, but just like in fights and war ... the BIG guy usually wins.

After cruising the Walmart Parking Lot to get a space, anyone can see that there needs to be more commerce available, It is a zoo there! I wanted to go to lunch at the Hilo Bay Cafe the other day and had to park all the way over by Borders in the RAIN!

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
Actually, the stuff you get from the big box places isn't as good as the stuff you get from the local places. Look carefully and you will see the big box stuff has bushings instead of bearings, stamped steel plates instead of machined steel, pressed in parts instead of screwed in parts, etc. etc. These are for the same product from the same manufacturers. Get a drill from a big box and weigh it. Weigh the same one from a non-big box if you can find any of them left, there will be a significant difference in weight. For disposable stuff the quality doesn't really matter but if it is a tool or something you plan to keep, then go for the non-big box sellers.

I used to represent a pump manufacturer and once someone brought in an OEM item which had one of the pumps in it from my manufacturer. None of the replacement parts would fit since that pump was specifically made for the low end market.

When it comes down to survival we will be producing our own. At the moment, it is merely inconvenience in not being able to afford to shop the way we'd prefer. Next year is going to be way worse than this year so do what you can to prepare.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
HC, is it not the model # that states the quality. You can pay from 50$ to 150$ for a tool which will do the same job and look much the same . However if your relying on it for a living, obviously you need the 150$ one. I prefer a lot of tools to be lighter, so the cheaper ones are better for me (occasional use only). Usually the expensive line is at the end of the shelf, with dust on it.
Gordon J Tilley

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