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8 trillion dollars.
Where's Batman when we need him?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

This is a worthwhile and thoughtful read, and should engender a personal sense of responsibility. Note, as well, how completely obsolete the projections are in light of current events.
Follow Jay and cut way back on your consumerism and really increase your production. Then you will be able to sit back and watch everyone else run around in circles. The Hamakua Holdings here are mostly into meat production with heavy investments in eggs and kalua pig futures. Milk jug hydroponic futures seem bright, too. All capitol is being aggressively conserved with almost no new investments at retail levels of any type.

Would rocket stoves be "off balance sheets assets" or would that be under "return on equity"?

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
Embrace frugality lest frugality seize you.

This is nothing short of a mindblower here:

Jay, that rant from Zim, albeit true to an extent, was written for a nation which has destroyed it's entire agriculture industry, not to mention it's reputation as a free nation, and it's infrastructure. Even China is balking at doing business with them. As long as Mugabe and his party has any hold on Zim, the country is dead.
Hey, but they too ban GM crops, they must know somthing. But not much, now Cholera is sweeping their country and spreading to neighboring countries and those in charge still deny any government malfeasance, but could you send more bodybags!
Gordon J Tilley
I agree!

It's buggered in the extreme that the conversation even exists, and that one can indeed draw parallels of any sort, even if weak, between the US and Zimbabwe.
Sadly, Zim farms have been turned into small enclaves of the "traditional" open pollinated corn our greens so love. Operated by war vets. All that awful mechanical stuff has gone to china as scrap, and now zim is a pure country again. Soon they'll be able to feed the entire country, as the population is diminishing to cholera epidemic. The green revolution in action.
Gordon J Tilley
A trillion dollars here, and a trillion dollars there and before you know it, you are talking a lot of money.

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