11-23-2008, 01:26 PM
csgray asked me what kind of apples I have that are nice and crisp in this climate.
I have 5 and they are either 2 or 3 varieties of apples that pollinate each other. They don't really set fruit without a pollinizer.
The one that's been fruiting great is ANNA.
The tag says to plant with a pollinizer such as GOLDEN DORSET and I know he planted the pollinizers ... and I just found a golden delicious type ripe apple on one of the untagged trees (just the one apple), so I'm guessing that's Golden Dorset. Will have to see if it's crisp.
The ANNA apple is not a "pretty apple" - oblong, not round, and irregular, with a blush of red on one side and the other green, it can be eaten at that point, but will go all red. Not a bright solid red like a Delicious. The tag affirms it's a good pie apple. [
I prefer green and golden apples, and this is a green blushing red apple that tastes more green with some tartness to it.
It is only two years old at most, about ten feet high, and has about thirty apples on it in varying degrees of size and ripeness. It also had a small crop last spring.
I just looked it up online and it was developed by Israeli scientists.
Explains why it does well in a warm climate at low elevation with no winter chill.
I am not more than 100 feet above sea level, if that.
Here is another link on it ...http://www.backyardgardener.com/plantname/pd_e41c.html
I haven't done any of the right things. Haven't pruned them and should have, and when the leaves get eaten I don't fight it. Liming the soil helped all my fruit trees. I didn't know to do that until Jeff at Garden Exchange explained that the iron and nutrients are locked up in the acidic PH of this soil and it has to have the PH raised or they starve even when fertilized.
Moved here from a place with clay soil that I was always acidifying, so this is contrary to my habits, but it sure did help!
I have 5 and they are either 2 or 3 varieties of apples that pollinate each other. They don't really set fruit without a pollinizer.
The one that's been fruiting great is ANNA.
The tag says to plant with a pollinizer such as GOLDEN DORSET and I know he planted the pollinizers ... and I just found a golden delicious type ripe apple on one of the untagged trees (just the one apple), so I'm guessing that's Golden Dorset. Will have to see if it's crisp.
The ANNA apple is not a "pretty apple" - oblong, not round, and irregular, with a blush of red on one side and the other green, it can be eaten at that point, but will go all red. Not a bright solid red like a Delicious. The tag affirms it's a good pie apple. [

I prefer green and golden apples, and this is a green blushing red apple that tastes more green with some tartness to it.
It is only two years old at most, about ten feet high, and has about thirty apples on it in varying degrees of size and ripeness. It also had a small crop last spring.
I just looked it up online and it was developed by Israeli scientists.
Explains why it does well in a warm climate at low elevation with no winter chill.
I am not more than 100 feet above sea level, if that.
Here is another link on it ...http://www.backyardgardener.com/plantname/pd_e41c.html
I haven't done any of the right things. Haven't pruned them and should have, and when the leaves get eaten I don't fight it. Liming the soil helped all my fruit trees. I didn't know to do that until Jeff at Garden Exchange explained that the iron and nutrients are locked up in the acidic PH of this soil and it has to have the PH raised or they starve even when fertilized.
Moved here from a place with clay soil that I was always acidifying, so this is contrary to my habits, but it sure did help!