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Punaweb:Changes in latitudes,Changes in attitudes!
My results:

Economic Left/Right: -7.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.64
Like many, I was a big participant several years ago. With the recent changes, lets call them, I have been less active.

I think what should happen is that those of us that backed off should come back in force and change the forum back to what we remember.

John Dirgo, R, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
Carol and I have not been as active lately as we were when we were in Kwajalein. Now, that we are living here, if we have questions we can generally get them answered in a more personal manner. (We'll probably get some answered at the Punaweb Party at LaMont's} We still lurk almost every day.

By the way my political compass came up:
Economic Left/Right: 4.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.51

I'm still trying to figure out what that means. I think know it is influenced by our strong Christian Stance. We are very active in the growing and dynamic Puna Baptist Church.
Home of the "Just for Keiki" Luau show.
John, that is a proactive stance and one I whole heartedly agree with! [Big Grin]

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
csgray commented: ...the test interesting (overly simplistic, but still interesting) it has successfully hijacked an important thread that wasn't really about conservative/liberal divisions, until some self described conservatives took it that way. IMHO I thought this thread was about how we choose to express ourselves from behind the curtain of the internet. Now it has once again turned into being all about who's a liberal, and who's a conservative. This is exactly the false dichotomy some of us have found so disturbing because that mentality keeps bulldozing over virtually every thread that goes beyond whales and weather.

I remember when I could read hundreds of threads before anyone started spouting off about politics, now if a thread lives long enough someone will be sure to send it off into political rhetoric and then it's all down hill from there. Can't we get beyond defining ourselves by our politics and just work on being good neighbors who look out for one another and use a little self restraint so we don't disturb our neighbors' peace of mind?

Looking back at Menehune’s core questions when this thread was started-

How is Punaweb doing as a "Puna/Hawaii" forum?

How "open" is it - too much - too little?

Is it even possible to "moderate" the content or context of an open forum?

-it seems as if csgray is correct inasmuch as where folks have taken the discussion after I mentioned the Political Compass instrument could seem more than just meandering and like a derailing of the core topic. Such was sure not my intention. That this subsequently happened (whether intentionally or not), of course, is illustrative of the point itself.

To further the constructive exploration of those good questions Menehune posed at the outset of this thread and also provide another venue for the obvious interest in chattering about how peoples' Political Compass results inform Puna discussion, I will start a thread on “Punawebbers’ Political Compass” so all of that discussion can head over there and not further hijack or clutter the useful discussion flowing more directly from Menehune’s original questions and in which a number of community members have expressed enthusiasm for discussing sans political interpretations.

Will folks be so kind as to please support the notion for allowing this thread to continue in the sort of spirit csgray describes, while enjoying full freedom of discussion on related but different considerations over in the Punawebbers’ Political Compass thread? Rather than just validating a perception of being such a bunch of thread-hijacking trolls that others are driven away, IMHO doing so will demonstrate willingness all around to be inclusive, accommodating, and encouraging of everyone to enjoy full participation.

Edit in green to fix a typo

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"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

Pres. John Adams, Scholar and Statesman

"There's a scientific reason to be concerned and there's a scientific reason to push for action. But there's no scientific reason to despair."

NASA climate analyst Gavin Schmidt

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)'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'(

Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

)'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'( )'(
Sticking literally to the thread, I have to say Jimmy Buffet is da bomb.
Sticking literally to the topic and the song ...

All of the faces and all of the places
Wonderin' where they all disappeared

those were simpler and younger days ...

I didn't ponder the question too long
I was hungry and went out for a bite
Ran into a chum with a bottle of rum
And we wound up drinkin all night

even JB has had to slow down ...
have been listening to his music for over 30 years and have bought every new album (not live or greatest hits) that he ever put out.

I guess I have Parrothead leanings with a dose of Buffeteer mentality ...

although my roots going back to teens are Dylan/Beatles/Stones/Zappa and blues. [:p]
I'm a parrothead from way back. Love a lot of Buffet songs that never made the top forty (sorry, totally burnt out on Margaritaville.) My Buffet Favorites include:

Wonder Why We Ever Go Home
Tampico Trauma
Banana Republics
And of course, Changes in Latitudes!

Getting back to this thread...So much humility and reflection, I'm impressed. It's kind of creepy, but in a very good way :-) I'm always happy to check my politics at the door. On the other hand, I think (and it's been suggested before on punaweb) that it would be a great idea for one of the politically-inclined folks on this forum to set up a separate politics forum to provide an "outlet" for those who love to argue about politics. Bet it would get some hits.

Just an observation, but many of the humble, apologetic responses in this thread came from folks who I can't imagine ever offended anyone. (Looking at it through my cultural filters.)

A personal promise: I'll strive to always maintain a civil tone in my postings.

To Alaska Steven: YOU are da bomb. Hope you keep posting, I learn so much.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

Anyone think that the negativity here reflects an increase of same on occuring in “real life” . Observing road rage the other day at the hpp transfer station rather than aloha.... Made my jaw drop.
I saw the same changes in west Maui (kaanapali) over the last 15 years or so. - would hate to see it happen here -
While I am sure that for you, Punaonline is not an US vs. THEM thing, as long as the single most active thread over there is 5 pages of ragging on Rob and Punaweb it is hard not to see it that way. Anyone who is just checking it out would have to assume it is just about being the Anti-Punaweb. I personally think there is a place for a Puna based website which is more freewheeling than this one, but the constant sniping about Rob and Punawebbers really turned me off. Rob is choosing to run his site his way, including not upgrading for all the newest bells and whistles, but he is offering a free service that we all are taking advantage of and many of us truly value.

I hope that some of those who want to micromanage how Rob runs his site will wander over there where there are fewer constraints of topics or style. As with ice cream, that's why there is chocolate AND vanilla, you can have just one, both, or neither.

While I was writing my response Devany's post disappeared, so this now makes no sense to anyone, sorry.

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

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