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City of Paradise Park?
I think this proposal could be a good thing. Especially since there is a huge disparity in essential services between Hilo and the rest of the island

As far it stands now, the legislature is the only body that create political subdivisions (Townships,counties,etc) per the Hawaii Constitution

Section 1. The legislature shall create counties, and may create other political subdivisions within the State, and provide for the government thereof. Each political subdivision shall have and exercise such powers as shall be conferred under general laws. [Ren and am Const Con 1978 and election Nov 7, 1978

But its unlikely the legislature will approve any new political subdivisions because its stacked in favor of Oahu. 34 out of 51 seats in the House and 18 out 25 in Senate are from there. These legislators do not want to start a precedent that Kapolei or Kailua break away from the City & County of Honolulu.

That chart is simply disgusting! The level of services provided to Puna relative to its populations is very, very low. Jeez.

Answering Bob's question below: Because services should go where they are needed, that is to say, where the people are.
The chart isn't that bad. It shows a real fact that is ignored. Proportion to property taxes collected, Puna gets what it pays for. If Puna is the second lowest in property tax, why shouldn’t it be second lowest in service received?
Originally posted by Glen


That chart is simply disgusting! The level of services provided to Puna relative to its populations is very, very low. Jeez.

I would hate to see the updated data. Bear in mind this data is from 1999 I believe.During the ensuing years Puna's population has grown exponentially. The same goes for areas like HOVE in Ka'u
they put out the the 2007 tax # a while back and i think puna was the 2nd highest in tax revenue for the county. does anyone know were to find those new #s

I believe the data on that page is a bit dated. As far as I recall Puna
has shot up to number 3 on the list of districts where the most property
taxes are collected (behind North Kona, and South Hilo)
I think it was something like Puna had an increase in property valuation, but the agricultural rate kept Puna low in actual dollars. I also remember something that Puna has the highest uncollected tax rate. That all seems to indicate that there is still very low dollars from the district for services.
I thought the reason to have certain areas designated for commercial development was to provide a tax base for the whole county. Ag and residential areas always require more services spent per tax dollar than commercial areas. Tax base and jobs is the reason for the commercial areas. Besides, these other areas act as bedroom communities that supply the workers for the commercial areas. It is right and expected that a portion of the commercially generated taxes should go to the areas that provide the labor for them.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Rural remember... that means no services...

Yep a nice retail district along 130 and a Pahoa sales tax would give the "Town" of Pahoa funds to add some services.... oh wait... rural... I have to remember that.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
I have trouble with the concept that people that pay higher property taxes are entitled to better services. Does living in a million dollar home justify a person better police protection and roads than someone in a $400,000 home? Are a working couple in a $150,000 home entitled to any services?


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