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Is President Obama Hawaiian?
Originally posted by esnap

Isn't it racist to give any consideration to a persons race?

Should not we just judge a person by their character, not the color of their skin.

As long as people hold themselves out as a separate group, Hawaiian, Black, White, we will never reach the dream.

We should tell our children that they are just people. There is no benefit or penalty for your lineage. You are an individual, when you have success it is because you earned it, when you fail, well son, you just suck.

Originally posted by esnap

...Fried Okra, Peas, chow chow, pintos, Corn Bread, Collards, BBQ, Chicken fried Steak, Tamales, BBQ brisket echiladas etc..

...Texans in exile, a good name might be Texpats.

That sounds like Sunday dinner around here...Mexican cornbread sometimes even.

We alternate Old Glory with the Lone Star and Hawaii colors on the flagstaff.

My hijack was caused by excitement over something in common with so many. It was so blatent that I won't even try a feeble apology. Will attempt to control urges. A Texpats thread - hmmm...might help.

One more comment on the diverged topic: Keawe + BBQ = nĂ´ ka #699;oi...and good catch oink, with the mesquite comparison.

Ditto Menehune's MAHALO to esnap's comment re: merits of the individual vs judgement based on exterior appearance. Although culture is something that also factors greatly into peoples' makeup, it is no more impossible to overcome than the matter of race. In fact, cultural differences has always been one of the greatest fascinations to me in my travels.

On what we call each other, I know Buckeyes, Sooners, North and South Carolinians, Mainers, Washingtonians, Texans (and a Tecson who is a Texan), but somehow my mind is wrapped around Hawai'ian referring more to the race than the geographical origin. Inconsistent, but... Again, as esnap pointed out, people. I do however, think cultural richness should be celebrated and preserved, only not to rack and stack who is better than the next.

Edit - Forgot to say Aloha Tuesday to everyone!
Malama o ke kanaka! Tomorrow Obama is an honorary kanaka. We are one.
LOL... and we were not yesterday?

Everyone should be Happy and Proud when the Peaceful Revolution of the People takes place in the greatest most powerful county on the planet.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
"LOL... and we were not yesterday?"

no we weren't, LOL

(finally rid of the warcriminal and his sidekick mr. torture)

Kumba Yaaa m'lord, Kuuummmbaaayaaa...


"To err is human, to forgive divine"

"To err is human, to forgive divine"
that sounds very un-American...

Are you devaluing the American Justice system by declaring guilt without charges or a trial?

But no matter, "WE" have a new President and the haters will keep on hating while the others keep on doing the good work.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
The topic is "Is President Obama" -- the son of a Kenyan and a Kansan-- Hawaiian?, and my answer is "Yes". Malama o ke kanaka.
Originally posted by Damon

Originally posted by frankiestapleton
...And let's face it, Black people have not been treated with respect in Hawaii over the years, altho' I see that's been changing for the better in the past decade...

This is the second time I have heard this type of a phrase on Punaweb.

Frankie... as a former reporter, can you please at least give an example or two of how black people have not been treated with respect in Hawaii over the years?

Of all places in America... I think Blacks have been treated more equal here in Hawaii then other parts of America.

Helen Hale was our own Council Lady for how many years?

Am I just blind to this "Anti-Black" thing... because I'm Half Black?

I just don't see it the way I did in the mainland... yet this is the second time this has been said on Punaweb... by two separate people that I think are very knowledgeable people here in Puna.

My Blog

I'll give you a perfect example. The Waikiki Hyatt Regency in the heart of Waikiki use to have a night club called "Spats". It was extremely popular by the locals during the 70's & early 80's. Back then the military was more visible on weekends in Waikiki. So of course service men would find their way to "spats". But for years the African-American was turned away at the door with some lame excuse. This went on and on for years. What changed was the black-american athletes from University of Hawaii, who came from the mainland to here knowing that their social life would be severely hampered here in the islands. Over the years well rounded black athletes like UH. Basketball coach Bob Nash blended into the community, and even embraced the culture. It also helped Hawaii having Wally Amos become famous with his cookies right here in the islands.
Even Barack Obama talked about feeling a bit alienated while going to school in Punahou back in the days. But that is all past us now. For now the most powerful man in the world is Black, and originally from Hawaii,. The 50th state couldn't be prouder of that fact that we now have the first Hawaiian in the White House!!!


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
President Obama is
A natural born citizen of the United States.
At least thirty-five years old.
And has been a permanent resident in the United States for at least fourteen years.

The rest makes no difference.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii

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