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Knee Stuff...
Hi Pam, I'm ric, I had the same experience. It's very frustrating and painful, and seems to take longer than you'd expet to improve. I had arthroscopic meniscectomy on one knee, and it took a week or so to get to where I could hobble around on it unassisted, and I had same thing plus an additional IT band release on the other knee, I felt like I got butchered on that one and it was horribly painful for 3 weeks or so, even coming to tears still after 2 weeks. Funny thing is it's not a gradual healing curve. Seems to be really painful and no progress at all for days or weeks, and then in a matter of a few days the rate of recovery seems to speed up. Not sure which procedure you had, but hope this info will give you some point of reference. Best wishes.
Good to hear that you're home again, Pam. It's always nicer to recover in your own comfy bed. Do take advantage of the pain meds - that's what they're there for. It will get better! You will feel much better - eventually. Hang in there!

We'll be missing you and thinking of you at the beach on Sunday. Just keep up on the PT so you can join us again next month! :-)

Lots of healing thoughts and energy sent your way,

aloha, Liz

"The best things in life aren't things."
THANK YOU everyone for your good thoughts and encouragement. Today was actually a good day. My neighbor Karen came over and babysat me today. I got a good chance to test out my handicapped bathroom and it is working out well.

Your words have helped give me perspective. A total knee replacement is no small procedure. Healing is no short process. Keeping the joint mobile is an imperative. Today I seem to be having good results with the bending and straightening activities. Translation:Okay, maybe I don't want to kill myself today after all...

The new caretaker we hired is doing a fine job. His name is Jared and he might be joining in for Scuba Sunday. Bob is hobbling around, trying his best to let me be the princess. I just hope he can hold out seven more weeks.

Nothing important to say but just wanted you to know that this is a great distraction and I love it.

Aloya, Pam

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Pam, I am sooo glad that you are feeling better today (TGIF & for Karen!)
Never had a replacement, but fractured the top of my tibia a decade ago & keeping the joint mobile was a killer.... but it does get better & the Physical terrorist will guide you mercilessly on towards recovering the mobility of the ol' knee...
Good luck & know that there are truckloads of good wishes going out to you!
Aloha, Carey

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