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Legislature turns down wage cuts in favor of taxes
Better wage cuts..than eliminating jobs all together or tax increases. If the unions can't deal with wage consessions quickly...the legislature can always furlough employees without union approval.

On the other hand..the labor unions greased alot of legislative palms for wage guarantee's. It should be interesting to see if the legislature votes what best for Hawaii...or whats best for their political careers.
Aloha Macuu222,
If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on the legislators doing whatever it takes to keep the endorsements and campaign donations coming. Of course they'll tell us it's what is best for Hawaii.

Originally posted by ric

Folks who go to work in government at any level have no idea what goes on in private sector, they never make decisions with their OWN money, just spend ours. They never have to make a realistic decision or prioritize and sacrifice like private business and personal households do.

What about all the big bonuses still being paid out to top executives of failing companies in the private sector? Not much sacrificing going on there. Rick Wagoner, former CEO of GM got millions for his retirement.

Maybe we should be paying our government officials the same kind of exhorbitant salary these private sector executives make. That way the real talent will be attracted to these jobs. The kind of talent that drove firms like AIG and others into bankruptcy.

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