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Sarah Fey murder trial coming up
Hi and Aloha to all,
I was recently asked to interview with the prosecution. I have the best pic of her but couldn't paste.
aloha zol, I don't know who you are or what your conncetion is to the murder trial so please elaborate because as it stands, your posting has no meaning whatsoever.
agree the post makes no sense ...
but for those who weren't around or don't recall, here is the original sad story
Thanks, KathyH. People who do such things aren't human in the civilized sense, and should be used as lab rats for the betterment of society.
I'm starting to wonder if this may be a scam of sorts and since I brought the subject up, I'm also wondering if scammers should qualify for lab rat status as well...
I am a local artist/musician, kama'aina resident and close friend of Sarah. I wanted to mention the trial because some people have waited this long time for it. I was hoping to post a picture of her but the paste didn't work. Thanks to Kathy for putting up the link.

From the news article a Fern Acres Resident said, ""I've never seen anything out of the unusual as far as domestic violence …I'm up and down this road every day," said neighbor Frank Battaglia".

Prayers in my heart for the baby and Sarah the mother to be.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
You're welcome, zol ...
Punaweb doesn't host photos, is why your attempt didn't work.
Thanks for letting us know ...

mella, this happened more than three years ago. As I recall from the news, the baby was born and I think went to family, and poor Sarah is long gone.
My apology, aloha zol. I get suspicious and draw conclusions when things don't make sense. I saw that you were a newbie and your posting looked as if a criminal may have been trying to get people to provide them with information, such as an Email address or passwords. All the best, and my thoughts are with Sarah and child as well.

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