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Mexican 'Drug Cartels' in Hilo and Kona?
Obie, I was being dramatically hyopthetical on all 50 but you just said it yourself: Straight-laced Utah, after all these years, has become sane on the issue of alcohol so who is to say what they may do next? So, if 26 states "Just Say Yes", it's still a majority. But putting that aside, let's again look at alcohol in American history. Prohibition began with an Amendment to the Constitution, and it ended with an Amendment to the Constitution. There was no Constitutional Amendment on drug prohibition. It was just something that was pushed through on the heels of ignorance and unfounded hysteria, and was enacted with little more than a signature. As such, it can end just as easily with honesty, pragmatism, and another signature. You may also want to consider the subject of "dry states". Kansas was but I don't know about now, and when I was in Virginia in the 60's, all you could get was "near beer". It's called States Rights.
Originally posted by centipede

LeeE, if all 50 states clamored for legalization and the Federal Government "Just Said No", it would signal a confirmation that the rights and wants of American Citizens have become null and void. As such, the Federal Government would have come out of the closet and exposed itself as being an enemy of the people that it is constitutionally bound to serve, and our future as a nation would enter uncharted territory.

Yep. From what I'm reading in papers around the country, <>, , <>, many folks have woken up to the parasitic nature of our economic and political system. Two states are looking at going Dutch now and more will follow. They won't be able to afford not to.

States need to flex their muscles at this time and hopefully, learn to use them again. I think they will.

Besides, the economic prognosis for our federal government is not looking good.

Too bad the advisability the continuing the empire is not open for discussion on the national level, (Ron Paul, Kucinich and a few others excepted), but that could change too.

Think of how much better our nations finances would be if we weren't forced to pay for a global Wall Street Empire and a price support system for "illegal" drugs.

The predictable and predicted consequences of the latter are now here and getting huge media attention. I like to tell people when throwing this stuff around, is that the American people can have pretty much anything they want. They just have to demand it.

More coffee is required...
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
My 2 sense. (pun intended) When I watched the Choppers over Puna I could help but think how stupid it all is. So they spot some pot growing on someone's property, circle it for half an hour taking pictures. What a colossal waste of taxpayers expense. I'm sure everyone was as disturbed as I was trying to work under the barrage.
O.K. so they spot some pot there's probable cause. Why do they linger long enough to get made? It all smells very fishy to me.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Cant believe everything we read can we??

There are NO cartels in Hawaii. Hawaii is chump change when it comes to drugs and making $$$. Too much risk and isolation for that to happen. Cartels push MAJOR weight and if they were near here, bodies would be dropping. Police, civilians, women, men, business people, etc...

Just b/c you have you have a few illegals working on Kona side DOES NOT mean there are cartels. LOL

Centipede your correlation that illegals = drugs and violence is silly. If thats the case then does old white men w/ computers = kiddy porn being looked up??? [Wink]

IMO Hawaii is still very much safe from the likes of cartels...
There is definitely Mexican cartel activity in Hawaii, and there is a whole bunch in Puna. There are legal Mexicans in our community that are good people. There is also a large number of legal and illegals that are not good. Has anyone been reading the paper lately? I hate to say it but it is right there.
If they were here, we would know.

I was in the Coast Guard and worked on a port security unit in Los Angeles. Port of Long Beach. SECOND biggest shipping port in the WORLD. Used to deal with this "stuff" all the time. I have friends in law enforcement here. Cartels are the last thing on there minds...

Busting people in Puna with 300 plants and 50 lbs of bud does not constitute cartels. These guys push major weight. Major...

TONS, KILOS, THOUSANDS OF POUNDS of PURE COKE. PURE COKE. Not that bunk, drano infused ice people use. Pure Colombian Cocaine. And secondly, these cartels hook up with major gangs, russian gangs, asian gangs, crips, bloods, mafia, pimps, hustlers, people who have major dinero to spend. They are NOT the ones selling $50 dollar sacks here in Puna. People please, the whole entire police community could not handle these dudes. They have the highest, most well respected guns, technology, mini-submarines, vessels, etc. If they were here they would fly there own 787 jumbo jet loaded with coke and landed it.

Remember, the question is, "are Mexican cartels here in Hilo/Kona"...

Not, "are there drugs here in Hilo/Kona"...

Like I said, if cartels were here, bodies would be dropping...
Originally posted by Samdooby

If they were here, we would know.
Currently the State of Hawaii is in quiet negotiations to bring Mexican Cartel to Hawaii. But they are keeping it a low profile as Hawaii is in direct competition with some Caribbean islands. I personally think the Big Island has the advantage as the island has all extremes from tropical jungle to the more barren areas mimicking the northern Mexico landscape. The only negative I see is many Caribbean islands have many Spanish speaking (and looking) people that would be helpful to the entire operation. Now I don't know what the true economic impact would be to the Big Island and Puna, but it's better than nothing. Who, knows they may have people on the island scoping things out. I wonder if the Mexican Cartel will nix Hawaii if there is a Mexican Cartel operating here, as bad as some make it out to be.
Samdooby, you are absolutely, 100% correct in stating with blinding clarity and overkill that Hawaii is not on the same level as California in drug consumption. Yet heroin and cocaine is plentiful and to the best of my knowledge and understanding, neither plant is cultivated on any of the Hawiian islands. The chances are good that the finished products do not arrive by submarine, but since they're here, logic dictates they come by way of the same infrastructures that control the mainland, Mexico, and Colombia. Same for meth. It may be manufactured here, but the chances are good that the chemicals originate elsewhere. Once you calm down, read my posting again. I stated that drugs follow illegal immigration, and speculated that violence could follow. Nothing more. Please read the topic "Legal Pot Coming?". Wake up because you are yet another of those who is babbling.
[quote]Originally posted by Samdooby

Cant believe everything we read can we??

There are NO cartels in Hawaii. Hawaii is chump change when it comes to drugs and making $$$. Too much risk and isolation for that to happen. Cartels push MAJOR weight and if they were near here, bodies would be dropping. Police, civilians, women, men, business people, etc...

Just b/c you have you have a few illegals working on Kona side DOES NOT mean there are cartels. LOL

Centipede your correlation that illegals = drugs and violence is silly. If thats the case then does old white men w/ computers = kiddy porn being looked up??? [Wink]

IMO Hawaii is still very much safe from the likes of cartels...

Just a coincidence that a Mexican national was arrested on drug charges?? Just because there are no gun battles in the streets ,it is not proof that the cartels are not operating here.
Well James, you sure got a response.

We're not talking about local pakalolo, or the helicopters, we're talking about gangsters: people who own people by terrorizing them and their families. We are talking about middle school and high school kids beat to a pulp during lunch.

One way to check on gang influence is to look at school textbooks and library books. If a book is defaced by a Roman numeral 13, that's a member of, or a wanna be the Surenos. If it's the Roman numeral 14, that's a Norteno.

Take you own survey... check it out.

While I don't think Mexican Drug Cartels and their membership are flashing colors in Hilo or Kona, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Mexican labor force new here the last few years had cartel connections.

It's a tragedy.

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