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Anyone Feeling Sick???
I agree. I'd hope we'd have both infection and death rates a bit more optimistic than the mean, or what they might expect in areas with no disease control, large dense populations, and no health care--which of course doesn't describe us a bit.

That doesn't mean, however, that there isn't a risk of local "hot spots" where there is a disproportional impact. We have no idea who just might get off a plane. This is what one should be really concerned about if things get heavy, and one should respond by staying home. The tiniest little bit of sensible and non-paranoid prep may go a very long way.

Jasmine rice was a buck a pound at walmart this morning, by the way.
Mexico has decent, free health care and pharmacies where you don't need prescriptions for most things. Prices were not as low as used to be, though.

Mexico City is very dense, though, population-wise. And people socialize a lot & live many to a household. Families also travel far to be with one another.

I will be on a plane in a week, so I hope no pandemics are developing. ; )

The pandemic of 1918 killed between 40-50 million. My father was 9 and living in NYC when it hit. I remember him telling me of 2 beautiful young sisters who lived directly above them who died.

I'm glad you guys out there are starting to discuss this. Now let's open up and talk about any unusual medical experiences we've had this past week. As for myself, I'm pushing 62, and am healthy to the point where I don't bother with health insurance. I had a nasty case of diarrhea on Wednesday morning and another on Friday. The last time I had such an unpleasant experience was in Phoenix in 2002 when I ate something that went bad. I know of 6 other people in the Puna district who had it last week as well. One has other symptoms and went to the doctor this morning. Whether this is related to what's causing such a stir is debatable, yet there's no arguing that if nothing else, it's one heck of a coincidence.

I guess we're fortunate in that the outbreak on the mainland has so far been wimpy in comparison to Mexico. Let's hope it stays that way but one thing is mathematically certain: The world-wide numbers are going to increase dramatically within the next 2 weeks.

Stocking up on chow and other essentials is a great idea. Sort of like having insurance and hoping you're never going to have to use it. Just bear in mind that if it really does hit the fan, you're going to need a good energy source to cook rice, pasta, and other dry goods, so don't leave canned goods and candles out of the inventory.

What happens if you are in a bad car accident and you have no health insurance?

Sure, my intent wasn't to get into wholesale bean counting of the numbers, but rather keep the whole think in a sensible risk perspective.

Don't panic, but do prepare. It's no big deal.
Okay, so if you get your sums wrong by a factor 50 then it's "bean counting".
I won't bother correcting that any more either then.
No, it's bean counting if you go out of your way to be a dick and contentious by nitpicking numbers, especially broad generalizations, all of which have a huge amount of uncertainty even in the source material, and to the sole purpose and end of being tiresomely contentious. What's the point? Accuse me of being too optimistic, or too negative? I can't keep up.
Some people would call that paranoid thinking, but since I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I'm going to die some day, I do have life insurance.

quote]Originally posted by Youser


What happens if you are in a bad car accident and you have no health insurance?

Originally posted by JWFITZ

Preparation isn't panic. Panic is what you get if you don't prepare.

I would think preparation is to have 100 lbs of rice on hand.

We have a one year supply of food on hand at all times.
I don't accuse anyone of anything. If you post faulty math, factual errors, or use words in the opposite of their actual meaning, then I'll say something about it. That's me. If you don't like it, then don't post on public forums.

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