Ditto that. I know many people are afraid to speak out against govt. policies, whether local, national or international. Basic Chomsky stuff. But then, Chomsky's never lived in Puna, where emoting is rarely out of style.
When I check out the articles on mapinc.org, I see that change is in the wind, if not in the White House. Did you see Barney Franks on Bill Maer this week? He's worth hearing and is putting forward legislation to move things forward.
Yes, it's a systemic problem. Are they crazy? Well, crazy like a fox.

Crazy all the way to the bank.
Grass...loved it. Woody's a hero and very active in the reform movement.
Seen "Humbolt County"? Sweet flick.
As far as Obama walking his talk and allowing progress on the state and local levels goes, I'm as disappointed as most progressives are with him. It'll happen nonetheless.
Here's something that may interest folks concerned about the flu.
"Treating Swine and Avian Flu With Cannabinoids
by Dr. Robert Melamede, Cannabis Science.
Dr. Robert Melamede explains how the active substances in the cannabis plant can be used to treat avian and swine flu."
Exact same story with the 9/11 anthrax scare, btw. It protects against that too. Glad to see folks here not fall for the "tape up your windows" tripe like some did on the mainland, much to their regret, in some cases.
So, we've got more vitamin D coming from the skies, it looks like. Not bad, but what's that yellow thing up there, surrounded by blue stuff? It all looks familiar somehow...
Must have more coffee...