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Happy Birthday to Me
This is not just another birthday for me; it's a milestone because I am one of the original Baby Boomers (geez I really HATE that term), and I now qualify for Social Security.

Lots of thoughts and memories going through my head but let it suffice to say that I had no choice as to the year I was born into. Likewise, I wasn't given a choice as to my parentage, race, religion, poverty, wealth, intelligence, or health. Whether there's a valid reason for these gross inequities among humans, I don't know. In fact, all I do know is that I am here to play out the single hand that life has dealt to me. We are the end result of a power that created all forms of life, and while I for one am not sure where or what that source of power is, I'm very glad I'm here; and I'm sorry that I can't continue to be here for another hundred years or forever long as I can care for my own maintenance.
So Happy Birthday you old fart!

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Yo! Happy Birthday old dude!

Happy Birthday!
Don't you get free medical insurance now too, at least for hospitalization?




From another old fart, isn’t it kind of funny that now that you have worked and paid into SS for fifty years you have hit the mark. Now there are some that believe that you and I are a drain on the system. Yet the powers that be are giving Trillions away in entitlements and bailouts and we get looked at with a crooked eye for getting some medical insurance that we still have to pay for. Many live in Puna just to try and keep expenses as low as possible [me included] maybe we should be known as Puna’s baby boomers.

Glad you made the mark and hope that you get another twenty or more.

The Lack
happy birthday!

"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

Many thanks to all. Here's what I have to say to your kind words:

I do not repent. Rather, I hold myself accountable for any and all negative deeds I have done. However, my life is indeed full of chaos, reflection, and rebooting.

Being an old fart/dude beats the alternative.

I'll settle for a lump-sum, non-taxable, interest-accumulated cash refund for all the social security and medicare payments made by me and my employers.
Good luck with that Centipede (receiving that lump sum [Sad] )
Hey IF and when you get one LMK I am an old fart too and will shortly be looking for the same thing. Problem is as Lack say, and in California where I live our Soc Sec goes to thousands maybe millions of illegals.

So sad to be a baby boomer in this day and age[Sad!]
I HATE the term baby boomer!!!!!
centipede, if you're 65 (are you?) then I have good news. You're not a baby boomer! I've read a few definitions of the term, but none include those born in 1944.

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