05-17-2009, 11:26 AM
I'm starting this thread in response to Beachboy's contention that pot is not addictive. I felt it deserved it's own thread as not to confuse the issues of "home defense". BB asked me to name a pot addict.
I'm an addict for one. When I smoked daily for thirty years, I was fine; Hard working and functional. Whenever I had to go without for whatever reason, I had some serious jonesing. Headache, irritability, insomnia, flu like symptoms, etc.
Although some substances are more addictive than others, the problem isn't the substance as much as the person; Addiction is believed to be genetic. Some people can smoke a joint, cigarette, or drink a beer and then not think about it for a month or so(my wife). I've been sober for thirteen years, and used pot and cigarettes to become alcohol free. I than used pot to become tobacco free. This gave me the confidence to become pakalolo free. It take a couple of months of complete abstinance to become comfortable. The first time didn't take and I thought I could have a joint once and awhile and bought a quarter oz.. Wrong! the next few days I was right back where I started and smoked that bugga fast.
Reinforced, I immedietly quit pakalolo again, but had to start over with the withdrawel symptoms. I've been completely clean and sober for about seven years and greatly enjoy the freedom and empowerment that comes with not having to score, not worrying about the helicopters, and not depending on a drug to make me feel "normal".
I've been in extensive counseling for PTSD and addictions. I have a first hand grasp of the science behind addictions as well as my personal experience with them. Anyone that tells you pot is not addictive is as naieve as a tobacco executive. It's just that some people are a lot more vulernable to any addictive substance.
I'll tell you this; If you smoke pot daily, you are an addict. I would challenge anyone who disputes this to go for a year or two drug free. It should be easy for someone not addicted.
Finally; There are many addictive substances (and behaviors). Pot is one of the least harmful there is, and in fact has many positive therepeutic properties. However, If you don't have cancer, glaucoma, or any other serious illness; If you say you are a recreational user But you smoke everyday, You're addicted.
My remaining addictions are cafeine and sugar; arguably as bad as some others, but I'll tackle those next. Peace!
I'm an addict for one. When I smoked daily for thirty years, I was fine; Hard working and functional. Whenever I had to go without for whatever reason, I had some serious jonesing. Headache, irritability, insomnia, flu like symptoms, etc.
Although some substances are more addictive than others, the problem isn't the substance as much as the person; Addiction is believed to be genetic. Some people can smoke a joint, cigarette, or drink a beer and then not think about it for a month or so(my wife). I've been sober for thirteen years, and used pot and cigarettes to become alcohol free. I than used pot to become tobacco free. This gave me the confidence to become pakalolo free. It take a couple of months of complete abstinance to become comfortable. The first time didn't take and I thought I could have a joint once and awhile and bought a quarter oz.. Wrong! the next few days I was right back where I started and smoked that bugga fast.
Reinforced, I immedietly quit pakalolo again, but had to start over with the withdrawel symptoms. I've been completely clean and sober for about seven years and greatly enjoy the freedom and empowerment that comes with not having to score, not worrying about the helicopters, and not depending on a drug to make me feel "normal".
I've been in extensive counseling for PTSD and addictions. I have a first hand grasp of the science behind addictions as well as my personal experience with them. Anyone that tells you pot is not addictive is as naieve as a tobacco executive. It's just that some people are a lot more vulernable to any addictive substance.
I'll tell you this; If you smoke pot daily, you are an addict. I would challenge anyone who disputes this to go for a year or two drug free. It should be easy for someone not addicted.
Finally; There are many addictive substances (and behaviors). Pot is one of the least harmful there is, and in fact has many positive therepeutic properties. However, If you don't have cancer, glaucoma, or any other serious illness; If you say you are a recreational user But you smoke everyday, You're addicted.
My remaining addictions are cafeine and sugar; arguably as bad as some others, but I'll tackle those next. Peace!