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What's the Weather like??!!
Well here you go, this is very fun and I thought you might like to take a look at the weather there!

Who knew there were weather bloggers, but there are plenty of them, just pick a city or airport and there you have it! Dorkey but cool.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
The Greatest weather man in Hawaii is Glenn James.

he puts up lots of good information and links to other cool sites.
Lots of links to other good sites

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Yes that is great for Maui weather!

What i enjoy about this site is Hilo zeweather and also that the wunderground has all these bloggers doing weather. It is informative and funny. Also you can search it by air port call letters, like say ITO for Hilo and SFO for San Fran! ect LOL
A person could learn if they had the perchance for a career in weather just reading some of it. Fun if you have the time.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
What I love about this site is they also post personal weather stations. You get real local neighborhood weather, not something based at Hilo International Airport or some other place when desiring Pahoa weather. Also since we have so many micro climates one gets a more "personalized" weather picture. As a matter of fact if checking Pahoa...the "PWS" or personal weather station reporting tab, the guy is my next door neighbor. That's what I call real weather reporting! Thanks Mella for posting this thread. I also use it to know what is happening with friends and family around the globe.

I’ve got to lean towards Kimos site.

The links have all the data one needs to track the weather rather than having it spoon fed. The presentation seems to teach rather than tell. Weather being so dynamic. Prediction more of an art than science, I prefer the forecast approach and narrative explaining the prognostications.

Mid pacific 1015 mb chart has always been a favorite, mariners download these things using short wave and laptops the images broadcast in a digital tone, converted by a wx fax program. Saved this sailors behind more than once in dodging storms. Sail boats at six miles per hour, sure cant outrun them.

Such a treat to be online and download this stuff at will - now to track the data and practice making sense of it all again


Hey Lokahi that is funny, you didn't know before? Did you see the map, this is very cool it shows all the weather stations and what the temp is at each! I'm impressed.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

One of my favorites
though created and maintained for astronomers atop mauna kea, this site:

has (in my opinion) the most complete weather information available for the island. this is not digested and watered down for popular dissemination, but rather real info made available for scientists and their support teams on top of the mountain. in other words the forecast and discussion (which are the best available I believe) are made for the upper air mass (not the surface trades) but the satellite info is very relevant, and once one is used to this format I believe one will find this a far better source of information than any other weather site on the net. and, given time, one will see the influence that the upper atmosphere has on the lower level surface conditions and be able to predict for yourself what sort of weather you might expect where you are at any given time.

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