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Save Pahoa? Protest June 16th?
Has anyone seen the sheet hanging by the Aloha station calling for a protest against KFC/BK on June 16th?

What's up with that?

I'm surprised that no one hasn't jumped all over this by now.
"Vote with your money!"
I've seen it, and I'm truly surprised no onse has said anything about it here either...

I have mixed feelings about the comings myself.

~ Rachael
~ Rachael
I like the new kentucky grilled chicken. I love KFC, my uncle was a manager for several years in utah. A little fact most people don't know, the first KFC ever was in a grocery store in Salt Lake. Pahoa doesn't come off as being a place to build such a restaurant.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
It is way too late to protest. If the area had been proactive, there could have been form-based building codes in place that would maintain the appearance and function of new developments to the current "look and feel".

There is nothing wrong with having a KFC or Burger King in the area - there is everything wrong with having cookie-cutter chain restaurants and stores. They simply do not "fit in" with the surrounding area.
How can people think of a protest?my friend works on the construction site there and told me at least 150 new jobs will be there.I just hope they change the roadways up there for better safety.
First and most important who is anyone to tell a private owner what to do with his land? As long as he follows the codes it’s his land and investment to do what he wants.

They call it a strip mall and its not it will be 3 different stores with landscaping. The protest sign is illegal according to the County code and every police officer that passes it knows it and no action has been taken. I know of someone who has call and complained to the County and still no action with regards to removing the sign.
Think about all the construction related jobs it has already provided. How about the local material suppliers, local food vendors, lodging and the retail jobs to come.
There will be traffic improvements to Kahakai and Old Pahoa Rd. and some improvements to the 130 intersection. The roundabout at Kahakai and 130 is part of the DOT plan a few years from now.
This development will save gas, improve the environment and save lives by reducing the traffic from Pahoa to Keaau and Hilo. It will be interesting to see whom shows up for the protest and how many of them might just shop at Longs; I will be taking pictures that day.
As much as most of want to keep Pahoa rural change is inevitable and needs to be embraced.
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Just like anything in life, all the fuss will come to pass...

In about 6 months people will forget "what it looked like before BK or KFC" came along and go on their merry ways...

It will blend in w/ the rest of the surrounding area. Puna district is huge and there is still plenty of greenspace to be found...

Does anyone reminice about what is looked like before Subway, CU Hawaii, Punatic Cafe, etc etc set up shop?? I doubt it...

Instead of doing this protest and distracting people driving on HWY 130, just protest w/ your wallet. If you dont approve if it, dont support them...

I have seen McDonald's in places with historic village zoning that blend right in. same McDonald's on the inside but the outside looked almost house like.
i haven't seen the plans for this place but maybe if people work With them they can tune in the signage and landscaping a little to make the place blend better ( anyone been to the Wendy's on St John )
I agree that Puna and Pahoa especially have grown to the point where we need this type of project. Scottie is so right about the jobs it is creating. If people don't want it, they don't have to shop there. A protest is a fine thing for a fun day out - but much more than that won't happen since the wheels are turning quickly.

It will be nice to have Long's here so we can hit it on the way home or actually have access to the products it carrys without having to drive 25 miles. And as for fast food places - some of them are actually cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing than many other places that are longtime haunts. The jobs are a real plus for this area.

Carrie Rojo

"...So began the massacre of the Shaolin Temple and all sixty of the monks inside at the fists of the White Lotus. And so began the legend of Pai Mei's five-point-palm-exploding-heart technique." - Bill
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
I am thinking I remember a sketch of the plan for the new shopping area on the front of the Hilo paper. The Long's had that false-front western look like the rest of Pahoa. Do I remember correctly....or was I dreaming??

And I agree with, clean places to eat will be a nice addition. I am thrilled that I won't have to drive 25 miles to have my fix of KFC's cole slaw!

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