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LOML wants a pool
EF,if she is LOYL,just give her WSW [Big Grin]!
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
hpp4me reincarnated this thread! LOL.

Of course LOML is insistent about the dang pool - hope she doesn't see this thread again....

Puna: Our roosters crow first
My Golden wants one too- I can see him reading this thread over my shoulder...

Lap pool for the dog - yeah right

Give him another three months - grin
We just finished ours, all that is left if the final building inspection. Its a salt water pool, but that does not mean no chlorine--there is an electrical device that breaks the salt down and puts chlorine into the pool.

It was a major undertaking in time and money, but worth it if you love to swim. Having been though this, I could do it again faster and cheaper but in general I ended up with exactly what I envisioned.

We have a couple of pictures on our web site and will have more when we get our new site up--in a couple of months. Feel free to call or e-mail if you have questions or want to visit.

Art and Orchids B&B
Art and Orchids B&B
Nice pool, Jerry!
A hot tub can go no chlorine.
There is an ozone method, and a bromine method. The spa place on Hwy 11 in Hilo has the info and parts, or did.
When I had a hot tub here I loved it and used it all the time, and we did the ozone method.
How timely. We finally finished our pool (Jerry was the electrician) and passed final. Actually been swimming in it since end of March.


Expensive project both in time and dollars - but worth it
Water temp hovers mid 70's. No heater, but will add a solar loop before winter, we are 1100 ft
Water clear and soft as rain - oh, probably cause it is rainwater [Big Grin] - 39K gallons
Critters seem to find their way across the concrete to the water
We are off grid, but the DC pump makes it quite doable.

Maintenance much easier than I thought:
No trees nearby helps
Not sure chemicals need to be as much as recommended.
We use chlorine, but I suspect lower lever than municipal (county) water
Basically we use a packet of shock irregularly and 4 chlorine tabs in 4 weeks, 3 bags of baking soda since Mar
We use a polaris 280 that vacuums
We are evaluating a Solar Breeze skimmer that cleans the surface without using pump.
Both of these reduce our filtering requirement.
I'm considering a solar powered ionizer to further reduce chlorine.

Any questions, just ask (I'm still learning)

If you noted my other post, we hope you come check it out Jul 11th.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Eight Fingers and Jerry, what would one expect to have to pay for a pool like Jerry's? Given our location, I am guessing that excavating the lava will be more expensive that the pool itself.

Also, has anyone compared the cost of an in ground pool to a steel reiforced, concrete above ground infinity-type pool? We are thinking about this option because it entails no excavation and they look cool. The idea is to have the main part of the house start on the second floor (first would be garage, workshop, study). This brings the floor of the main level up to the level of the pool. It also gives us the height for an ocean view.

What are we talking about here? $50k? $75K?

hpp4me: Best way to to find a cost is to get bids. Shouldn't be a problem getting a contractor out these days! I think an "infinity" type pool would be great on a sloping lot - what does your lot look like?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Gorgeous pool Jerry - geez, sometimes I almost envy you artistic types.

Anyway, for a more common look, if anyone is interested here is link to the building of our pool. WARNING - Lots of pics.

Pool Build



Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident

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