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Topsoil vs Cindersoil
I’m going to plant grass in a section of my yard and I need dirt.
I estimate about 5 yards and I was going to get good-screened topsoil.
I’ve used Ashley’s in the past for cinders and he is next day and very reputable. He tells me topsoil is about $25/yd. (Plus delivery) Others tell me to save a buck and get cinder soil. How much is cinder soil? I haven’t had much luck growing grass in spots that had cinders mixed with the soil. Can I get some advice on your experiences?
Oh, I live in Hawaiian Beaches ¾ of a mile from the ocean.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Hi Scott:

I have centipede grass which I have planted on black cinder/organic soil mixed 50/50 and it took well.


DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
I've had the best luck with soil, but throw on a double handfull of triple sixteen and centipede grass will grow on a rock - for a while. For all things delivered by dumptruck, try Greg at 937-6352. He's awesome.


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