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racism in Kea`au and Pahoa schools
Cell phone pictures are a pretty reliable recording device and not exaggerated, I've seen some of the pictures and it is not a pretty sight.

All kids do not have the same experience, even in the same place, and I am really not sure why you are so determined to negate an experience different from that of your kids, no one is trying to negate their experience as a falsehood just because it is different from that of others. One kid can be picked out from the crowd for something as minor as the way he walks and have his life made a living hell, while another kid has a no problem with the same bullies. It is also possible that if you are giving these kids the third degree every day they may just be telling the nosy grownup what he wants to hear so he leaves them alone.

That said, if I ended up teaching in a DOE school instead of a charter school, I would rather work at Pahoa than Keaau because I know they do have some excellent and caring teachers and admin. and the smaller size alone is a big help in terms of developing relationships with students and their families. I am glad your boys are doing well, just remember the teen years are a marathon, not a sprint. Good luck.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Racism and bullying is in every school in the country. I am sure it exists in every school in Hawaii - charter schools included. However, kids and their parents can do something if they understand it and discuss it. I don't give them the third degree as you put it. We discuss everything - they know I care and won't step over the line to embarrass them.

We have lived in the same subdivision for 18 years. My son is 16 and is white, blue eyes and brown hair. He grew up here all his life and has a lot of local friends. He gets called haole, cracker, white boy and a few other things I can't say. He has been in numerous physical fights which he usually wins. I don't believe in physical violence, but I always told him to defend himself. It's too bad this happens because my son has plenty of respect and aloha.

Originally posted by Devany

I honestly believe that this kind of situation happens all over the country and as my first post on the subject stated, my high school in S.CA. had far worse things happening.

Have you worked in schools all over the country? Because I have, including south central LA and Miami. Yes bullying and racism exist everywhere, but Puna has it in spades.

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