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Hi everyone, I just moved here from the UK, I married a local guy I met a couple of years ago. I don't know anyone here and would like to make friends, so..............."Hi! [Smile]!"
Welcome to Punaweb! And Hawaii. What area do you live in? I've noticed some other Brits on this forum.

If you need any info, please ask.
There are several Brits living in Leilani Estates, so you might want to go to their one of the functions. Welcome to Hawaii!

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:


"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

There are lots of Brits living here, many of them connected to the observatories on Mauna Kea but not all. If you like Indian curries, and coming from the UK there's a good chance you do, you'll be disappointed I'm afraid but there are many things that make up for it!

Welcome to the Big Island.

Punaweb is great, you can find all kinds of information, what part of UK? Originally from Wiltshire, have lived in Hawaii on and off for years, still drinking Tetley tea[Smile]
Welcome and Aloha.

No great curry establishments that I know of, but it looks like we may have a very good Mid Eastern restaurant opening in Pahoa soon.

Same folks who ran that cafe at the Museum a while back.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Hikatz - Wiltshire, eh? Not too far from me, I grew up in Berkshire. The tea situation has certainly improved over the years here but that Tetley's stuff still doesn't taste quite right (maybe it's the milk or sugar). It's not bad though!

Tom, oops! meant to say, PG Tips, had just reordered PG and McVities Ginger Nuts[Smile] box hasn't arrived, so picked up the Tetley from Safeway, tea is not bad if you double the teabags, then it is close to the strength that I like.
Akmal's Indian restaurant has reopened on Haili Street across from Lyman Museum, great food.

rarni, moving to the Big Island can be a little overwhelming at first, but people are friendly, ask questions and Punaweb is a great place to get answers!
rarni, Welcome to Puna and Punaweb! Feel free to join in on the conversations here, and/or come to one of the Scuba Sunday Beach Day outings.

Hikatz, Tom ~ Had cousins in Wiltshire. Spent some of my childhood in a small village in Berkshire. Great memories :-)

aloha, Liz

"The best things in life aren't things."

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