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hawaii gun control laws

Guns go in a safe when im not home. Id have no problem putting a sign out saying "OWNERS OF HOME ARE ARMED". Its all locked up when i am not home.

What do you do when the new neighbors move in? Not the ones you know but the problem ones that no one wants to know.

When the home invasion people come, they tend to knock down doors, not politly knock and wait for you to answer.


"Unless every women in Hawaii is carrying a gun , I don't see how a gun is going to prevent rape."

So women are raped all at once? That makes no sense at all.

I have experienced three home invasion robberies. None of them occurred in Hawaii. I credit that I am alive today to the fact that I did not have a gun.

My determination.... does not have to be yours.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I feel like I am back in grade school.

I am sorry, I should have said I don't see how guns are going to prevent rape.

If a woman is armed, any would be rapist is most likely to end up a casualty. Will a firearm prevent all rapes, hell no nothing will, but at least she won't be at the mercy of some slug who out weighs her by 100 lbs and is bringing a knife to a gun fight. Even leaving a firearm aside, why should she not be able to have pepper spray or a tazer. Do we have to give the slugs of the world all the cards. Do I open the doors to just anyone who shows up, no. Are my doors steel with a reinforced jam, yes, can you kick one in before I can arm myself, want to bet your life? This whole argument is pointless. If you you don't like firearms, fine. But don't expect me any many others to idly stand by while our family is threatened by some creep who should never have gotten out of jail the last time he was in. If you chose to place yourself in danger, that is certainly your option. I however will do the opposite. And as for my wife going without pepper spray because some idiot thinks its dangerous for her to carry it, draw your own conclusions from my posts.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
You are very right Dick. Best not to speak too loudly or too clearly on some things. You do what you think best for yourself and your family. Good thinking. I do the same.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
We agree on quite a lot, actually. I wouldn't stand by while my family was endangered either. I'm very comfortable and familiar with firearms, but fortunately don't need them here to protect my family.
I love Hawaii, in no small part for it's rejection of mainland gun obsessions.

I'm very happy to not have to live hiding in an armed bunker under seige from the roaming gangs of heathen thugs.


Is there a half decent gun shop on the Hilo side yet? Last I checked there was a small shop in a warehouse area but it was a pretty poor excuse for a gun shop. I have more and better quality in my closet than they had in the shop.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
J-Hara's in Kurtistown is not to bad. Pricey, but not by Hawaii standards I guess.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
I teach flying. It has in common with firearms that if you don't use the equipment right great damage and death can occur. Also in common with firearms the really important things that you train to deal with are things that you hope never happen in real life.

As an example consider an engine failure or a rope break on take-off in a glider. What to do first? Where to go? What are your priorities? I have carefully explained to licensed pilots that "today we would not choose to turn around if we have a rope break because we have a 2-mile long runway ahead of us and we would have a 20 knot tailwind if we did turn around, so just go straight ahead or do a 360 degree turn if we have the altitude". I then proceed to pull a simulated rope break on the very next flight. Guess what they do? They proceed to try to turn around and land with a 20 knot tailwind despite the mile of runway left in front of them, because they read it in a book that had a picture by the way of a runway so short that they couldn't land straight ahead. Also, stall/spin accidents are the major cause of fatal crashes but instructors are actually discouraged from exposing the student to fully developed spins. Statistically, the training is more dangerous than risk of an actual unintended spin. My point is that certain things require a lot of training to actually get right and some very knowlegable people believe that sometimes it is better to just not go there. There is a phenomenon whereby a student will freeze up on the controls, usually in a spin because spins give you the feeling of falling out of control. The student literally does not hear the instructor screaming in his ear "I've got the controls!" The instructor is trained to slam his elbow into the chest of the student if sitting side by side or brain the student with any convenient heavy object if sitting behind. Usually the student lets go at that point, although sometimes they are unaware that they have been bludgeoned, they just realize their neck hurts later on. How is it possible that you could be unaware of someone screaming in your ear? Fear in a life threatening situation. How could you be so "stupid" as to do exactly the thing guaranteed to get you killed despite being trained to do otherwise? Again, fear in a scary situation. How would you describe a home invasion or a rape? Fear in a scary life threatening situation.

I took a hunter education course. It was informative but completely inadequate to teach me or anyone else how NOT to grab a gun or when to actually use one. That would take months of concerted training with realistic emergency scenarios, just like flight training. Also, part of the training I give includes a discussion of the crashes that occurred at my home field and what really caused them. Usually the student has no clue of what can go wrong.

I am not anti-gun but I recall an incident years ago on the mainland where a young japanese man dressed as John Travolta (and unarmed) I think was shot dead in someones carport when he went to the wrong house. The shooter was later quoted in his trial as saying that he wished his own hand had been blown off rather than that the victim had died. My own experience is that it takes a huge amount of time and effort to develop real flying judgement and I bet it is the same with firearms. I can actually see why the FAA thinks it is better not to train with real spins if you are not going to go at it full bore, because the risk of the actual event is less than the risk posed by the preventive trainig. Again, I can see a parallel with firearms.

My point is don't feel safe because you think only idiots would make mistakes. Flying is a hugely conservative business with far more initial and recurrent trainig than is required for firearms, and yet people routinely screw up, and they aren't always the idiots.
Admittedly tragedies such as you outline can and will occur. I am a firm advocated of intensive training in the use of firearms. In fact I firmly believe that prior to the issuance of a concealed carry permit all prospective applicants should have to successfully pass a series of shoot house tests, this unfortunately would be difficult to accomplish as not even all police forces have these facilities. However, most states require successful completion of classroom work in the legal use of deadly force as well as a skill test on the range. Not optimal, but a step in right direction. Even with the best of training mistakes happen. One of the operators on our team, almost took out 2 other members one evening, even after an exchange of passwords. It can happen.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"

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