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Lost medications?
Bit of a long shot, but a small bag of various medications was found outside my house this evening (Kaloli Point, HPP) and I think the wording on them is German so suspect a tourist dropped them. If anyone has guests staying with them and they've lost some medicine please feel free to drop me a line and we can figure out if the package is theirs.

Hi Tom. If you post some of the words, I'll tell you what language it is. Maybe if you could say what the surname is, there's more chance of finding the owner?

I checked to see if there was any identification (e.g., prescription info) but there isn't. Pretty certain it's German although that could mean a few European countries. I can speak and read a little German although never got to the part where they taught pharmacy! In any case, I'm pretty confident about the language on the medicines.

I'm reluctant to give a clue about what meds are in the bag - the owner will know what they're missing and don't want some Tom, Dick or Harry turning up claiming them as theirs. No matter, I do appreciate your offer of help.

I might call the Hilo hotels tomorrow, you never know, someone might have reported lost items to hotel staff. I don't often see German tourists on my street so am assuming they may be staying nearby - hence the one-in-a-thousand shot here.

There's a German couple living on Kaloli Point (on Paradise Ala Kai). What letter does the surname start with?
rbakker - there is no name in the bag so can't help. Sorry. It's just a bunch of medications and no identification as far as I can tell.

There is a German oriented B&B in Leilani, Hale Makamae. The wife speaks German, might be able to be of some assistance if you are so inclined to pursue. I believe their name is Tucker.
Personally, I'd take them to the cops and hope the folks who lost them will think to go there. And maybe put up a flyer with what you've done. Then again, if there's no name on them, the cops might confiscate them, hunh? A call would answer that.

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