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My letter to the editor re: Resolution 237-09
There seems to be much confusion over Resolution 237-09
recently passed by the County Council. Dr. Irvine has made clear his
professional and/or personal opinion on the resolution in his Dec.9th
opinion article. What is alarming is that an "educated" physician
would make such a broad defense, seemingly for all vaccines. To me
this reflects ignorance. Yet unfortunately, this stance is not
uncommon among the "indoctrinated" medical establishment.
It should be noted that there are plenty of professionals with degrees
and titles around the world who have questioned the safety and long
term efficiency of vaccines, both of specific type and in general.
However Resolution 237-09 is not about the safety of
current or past vaccines, its about protecting the constitutional
rights and civil liberties of our citizenry. I applaud the Council for
taking steps toward doing so.
There may not be a mandated vaccine program here at this
time, however most citizens are not aware that there are state and
federal laws in place right now which authorize the government to
violate our foundational rights on a number of levels.
How many citizens have even heard of the Model State
Health Emergency Powers Act? How many citizens know that in 2006 the
Hawaii State Statutes were revised to take away religious and
philosophical exemptions from vaccine mandates and included the right
to quarantine individuals? How many citizens know that right now, due
to the recently declared federal health emergency, that the Dept. of
Health & Human Services Secretary, an appointee not elected, has the
power to use "unapproved medicines,devices and biological products" in
unapproved applications by way of the Federal Food and Cosmetic Safety
Again, Resolution 237-09 is not a medical, clinical or
safety declaration. It is a measure to help insure the the protection
of our fundamental rights and personal sovereignty. The resolution
read in its entirety reveals this.
It is a shame that the Tribune-Herald article of Dec.4th
covered little to nothing of the resolution itself, available on the
County website, but instead gave prevalence to the regurgitated
rhetoric of Dr. Fukino.
I strongly encourage the public to view the resolution
for yourselves and investigate these potential threats to our right to
choose over any future mandated programs.

Why is "educated" in quotes? You doubt he was educated? You don't think a doctor would know more about vaccines than County Councillors?

Do you have a link to the actual text of Resolution 237-09? I would like to read the resolution for myself.
Also any (credible) links that anyone is planning mandatory vaccinations in Hawaii.
Try this:

FYI, you are not forced to have any vaccine; you can elect to be quarantine to prevent the spread of an illness to those who elected to have the vaccine. Also the requirements under the law isn't something that is just declared, it requires a whole slew of steps that probably (and realistically) will result in an emergency declaration, long after the danger has passed.
Thanks Bob.

"[...] there is insufficient evidence proving that vaccines are safe or effective [...]"
Just the single most successful public health initiative in the history of civilization. But still not good enough for some.

I do agree with the resolution in a way, if anyone doesn't want a vaccine then that's up to them.
But still no proof that anyone is even contemplating forcing vaccines on people.
I have spoken to the Governor's Office asking for the facts regarding claims that the Governor is contemplating mandatory vaccinations in relation to the H1N1 flu or use of the National Guard to force vaccinations.

The Governor's Office is not aware of any such statement from Governor.

The do refer us all to the Governor's web site:

On which the full statements and positions, including the CDC, are available.

I did locate an Oct. 14, 2009 Star-Bulletin article regarding vaccinations and the flu which is located here:

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I don't think any of you really read my post. I specifically said that this resolution is not an attempt to debate the safety of vaccines as much as it is an attempt to safeguard our basic rights over our bodies.
This is regardless of what may or may not be mandated now. Also, a public health emergency HAS already been declared by Pres. Obama. I put "educated" in quotations because sometimes we only go on the information given us. This is no less true with doctors. Like I said, "How many citizens are aware.....?"

That is all good and fine. As near as I can determine, in the event of a Puna health emergency - whatever the contagious disease, you may have a choice of declining a vaccine and enjoying the option of quarantine.

This is not in and of itself assumed by me to be unreasonable. I think the base issue you might actually raising is:

Is the individual more important than the community in all cases and instances?

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by rasman

I don't think any of you really read my post. I specifically said that this resolution is not an attempt to debate the safety of vaccines as much as it is an attempt to safeguard our basic rights over our bodies.
That is NOT what Resolution 237 is about.

First it is based solely and only on the provisions of HRS 302-1154 through 1163. That section pertains to Required Inoculations of Children to Attend Public School.

Currently, children attending public school are supposed to have certain inoculations before they are allowed to attend. However, the law allows an exemption for those who object on religious and philosophical grounds, or exempt by a doctors order. That's what the law currently is and there is ABSOLUTELY nothing anywhere that anyone is going to change it.

There is a section (one small section out of the entire quoted range) that essentially says if an emergency pandemic declaration is issued by the Dept of Health, and the risk of spread is greater than the ability to timely inoculate these school children aginst that specifc threat, schools will only be allowed to accept student into the facility who have been inoculated against that threat or until the threat has passed. During that emergency declaration, no exemptions to that specific inoculation will be allowed for the safety and health of all student and faculty. So for a specific fast spreading and highly contagious outbreak, instead of closing the schools, they will keep them open and admit student who have been inoculated against that specific threat. If you are unable to get inoculated or don't want to have your child innoculated based on your beliefs, the child will not be allowed into the school until innoculated or the threat has passed, to preserve the health and safety of those children in the school.

So I ask, where in this freaking stupid resolution is government declaring martial law, forcing people to get inoculated against their will, or doing anything that is against their body?

I can go on about the other ridicules items they mentioned, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how did school inoculations for admittance turn into government Gestapo tactics. I guess that's just what to expect from those idiots on the Council!

Rasman, I'm not directing this against you, The Council wrote it to instil fear in the citizens. All of their whereas's is a bunch of smoke and mirrors. I guess they thought people would not check the actual references they mentioned and discover it's a bunch of disjointed nothing.
Speaking of protecting our rights;

Although the government doesn't prohibit left handed people from driving at this time, I feel strongly as a left handed person that the council should pass a resolution guaranteeing my right to drive in the future!



But that could never happen here nonono we are totally special

and what HRS could never be changed?

This is all legal slight of hand, and is a slow combining of legal setups. consider

[§ 302A-1157]. Exemptions from immunization; not recognized; epidemic conditions

If at any time there is, in the opinion of the department of health, danger of an epidemic from any of the communicable diseases for which immunization is required under sections 302A-1154 to 302A-1163, no exemption from immunization against the disease shall be recognized. Quarantine shall be a legal alternative to immunization.

Obama declares H1N1 emergency

New York's Gov. Paterson declares H1N1 state of emergency

Shall I go on, The WHO also has declared a pandemic also YET: as i pointed out earlier:
how many people die from asprin
“Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone.” (Singh Gurkirpal, MD, “Recent Considerations in Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Gastropathy”, The American Journal of Medicine, July 27, 1998, p. 31S)

Should we have a declared emergency on NSAID's? If you just sitting back think LOGICALLY, that this is normal rational behavior for our government than you are confused. There is a HUGE over reaction to this, and now everyone lines up to get multiple shots a year.. LITERALLY thats crazy, think about that. Yet for all of you Getting multiple shots, that include squaline and thimerisol in them, I am still alive as well and have never gotten a flu shot ever in my life. Why is the government SO interested in getting everyone to get so many injections? why are so many business getting involved in this? why when i buy charcoal at safeway does it have a "Get your flu shot" sticker on it. How can you not look around and think well 15 years ago it wasnt like this, are we healthier people now? are all these shots helping? no instead people are getting a yearly does of toxins, that has now doubled thanks to the h1n1 vaccine, Maybe if everyone was healthy instead of fat we would not get sick, but of course that kind of LOGIC is wacky thinking ....

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