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Are the whales back in Puna waters?
Last night after the storm had left and the coquis were quiet I think I heard at least one whale in the Kaloli Point area. Tonight I swear I heard another plus a fin slapping the water. This was after it was dark so no way I could check it out, but has anyone seen any during the day?

Thanks, Tom.
I haven't, and I've been looking out for them. Not a single whale yet, unusual.
(I'm in HPP near Makuu)

When you say you heard a whale, do you mean singing? Is that really possible?
Not likely over here, (still) too many coquis.
I don't know what you call it, but I can hear them make noises when they breach. It's a kind of a short and sharp moan. It took me years to figure out what the noise was but think it's from humpbacks close to shore and on the surface. It's not singing exactly but the noises I've heard only happen when the whales are around Kaloli Point (because that's where I live!). They're often accompanied by slapping sounds which I suspect are the whales slapping the water with their fins and it doesn't sound like surf hitting the cliffs.

If I can find the sound on the web I'll point a link to it. I didn't think whales made noises on the surface but I'm becoming convinced they do. I suspect it's when they blow and then take in air. It's the strangest noise and freaked me out for a few years until I figured it out...I think.
We are here for a vacation and went for a walk on Beach in HPP on Sunday afternoon (around 4pm). Saw at least one whale blow between Paradise and Makuu. Quite a ways off shore (perhaps 1/2 mile?).
Aki, thanks for the info, I'll keep an eye out for them. They're easier to spot on sunny days.

TomK, that sounds very plausible. People often say they can hear whales singing underwater while on shore but I've never been able to get a definitive answer on if this is possible. I've heard them myself while snorkeling, but not onshore.
TomK, we had the same experience a few years ago. It was 3am, dead quiet, then moaning, whooshing & slapping sounds. It was definitely NOT surf. The next morning the whales were in close to shore. I'm 100% convinced the moaning sound was the humpies.

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* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
Thanks, hooligal, you described it much better than I did. I don't live right on the ocean (I'm a few hundred yards from the cliffs) and the weird moaning noises always sounded as if they came from the ohia forest on Kaloli point, and wondered if there was some weird and mystical creature living in the forest - it really is a strange noise. Then it clicked one evening when it was so quiet I could hear them breaching and slapping the water.
PaulW I did not know you were in HPP near Makuu. We are planning to buy in lower HPP in that area. We are on the island now and in a oceanfront home on Ala Heiau and I have spent half the day with binoculars looking for a whale sighting but have yet to see anything. We are hoping to spot some over the next few days or on Maui when we arrive there in a few days. The most I have seen has been off Kaanapali this time of year.

Saw whales today, just off Honolulu Landing - whoo-hoo!!!!!! Two of them cavorting along, blows and a spyhop, swimming near the surface... awesome! :-)

aloha, Liz

"The best things in life aren't things."
we were treated to a big pod of whale blows and backs at kapoho bay, just in time for Xmas dinner. quite a treat, followed later by humuhumu's and 10 honu swimming past the deck!

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *

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