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Punaweb forum questions
For knowing nothing about me thats pretty silly to post. i was asking QUESTIONS i asked for technical information. I get a bunch of emotional babble... only ROB has answered properly.

I would offer to DONATE some help but seeing as how you guys like it the way it is...
If "Snitz is stuck in 1999," that puts it about 30 years ahead of the rest of Puna which is largely stuck in the 60s (one of the reasons I love it here). Makes Punaweb comparatively cutting edge, don’t ya think?

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. ~Mother Teresa
I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
Quote from 808blogger:

For knowing nothing about me thats pretty silly to post. i was asking QUESTIONS i asked for technical information. I get a bunch of emotional babble... only ROB has answered properly.

People have started other blogs because they don't like the WHATEVER about Punaweb. We enjoy this blog and the connections it holds. It's nice to be reminded there is a heart beating in Puna..."slow and steady wins the race."

Thanks Rob - didn't have a chance to say Happy New Year. [:X]


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Carrie, FYI, this is not a blog, it is a forum, and a good one. Rob has done a lot over the years to make it a great place for all of us to connect and interact. A blog is a site set up by an individual who posts content on a regular basis. People can comment, but not really interact.

RE: Snitz does have much more updated software, with a lot of features (all free), but it sounds like because so many people in Puna are on dial up or slow connections, maybe that does not make sense. uses those features, so you can try them out there. But I do not feel Punaweb is slow at all. Slow seems to have a lot more to do with your personal system and what kind of connection you have.

Thanks Rob for a great place to get to know people, share and ask questions. Punaweb is a terrific forum. It is what it is. Love it or leave it... don't complain about it.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Tisk tisk, and in definition heaven all is correct, dontch know.

TO Quote "Lin"
If "Snitz is stuck in 1999," that puts it about 30 years ahead of the rest of Puna which is largely stuck in the 60s (one of the reasons I love it here). Makes Punaweb comparatively cutting edge, don’t ya think?

LOL The best post on the subject accurate to the point and funny all in one and I love it!

mella l

"New York London Paris Hilo"
mella l
Art and Science
"lol.... NO not even close. IMHO snitz sucks, asp also sucks. Snitz is stuck in 1999."

Could also be misconstrued as emotional babble.

Rob, I appreciate this place even more now.

I concur that this site rocks. Still as Devany pointed out an upgrade to a newer version would be welcome IMHO.

Rob I wonder if some newer research into your target might reveal some different demographics and technologies prevailing. Not that you don't watch this already. And when you figure in the PITA (pain in the ass) factor of an upgrade... what we have now is fine.


I want to hear about lost dogs, African snails, the relative benefits of post and pier and when Tom is going to be providing huli huli chicken FASTER HARDER and with MORE bandwith. I simply do not understand why this free service isn't run more like a business. You know, like Lehman Brothers. I mean, for example, where's my Iphone App?

Why can't a rural area on a remote volcanic island be represented by a flashy java-script festival of a website in 3-D? I want the words my house has a pet rabbit to come flying off the screen, preferably with authentic rabbit sounds.

I mean, what gives?
Rob, I think I agree with Glen... not sure about the rabbits though?
If you upgraded and had ads, you could easily pay for the site and make a profit. I am sure that many of us would happily click on ads to support the site.
My apologies Glen.

I prepaid my twenty year subscription to the KISS principle and intend to get every nickel out of it.

You may expect a major upgrade on or before June, 2027. However.... a Punaweb iPhone app intrigues me.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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