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Punaweb forum questions
Thank you Devany. I do know the difference between a forum and blog...used to have a blog before I got too busy working for the State. Sorry - just used the wrong word - I tend to do that more often the older I get.[Smile]


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
what's the problem???? I already get punaweb on my iphone Smile


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
the reactions to this forum make me think of that song "Cult of personality" LOL
When we first lived here we rented a series of furnished vacation rentals all over Puna for about a year. We could only get dial up at many places and I was very frustrated with web pages that were designed with the assumption that everyone has the same screaming fast internet the web site designer did. It would take forever to load pages that had all the bells and whistles, especially the ones with ads. Nothing worse than waiting 5 minutes for a page to load because it had some stupid animation for the sole purpose of selling insurance or weight loss products. Punaweb always loaded pretty fast even when on dial up because it is so simple.

It is important for people who live at the cutting edge of technology to realize that many people (especially in Puna) simply don't have access to the same cyber utilities they do, and that insisting that Rob should switch over to some newer faster better system just because it is out there doesn't necessarily serve the greater Punaweb community. I really like the fact that there are no ads cluttering up my screen and slowing down the loading time, and if I was accessing the internet via some gadget attached to my cell phone I would really be pissed at waiting for a bunch of ads to load.

I think this whole thread was started by 808Blogger so he could needle Rob about living in what he considers the cyber dark ages, brag about how much better of a job he would do, goad everyone into defending Rob and Punaweb, and then insult us for all for doing that. There must be a bridge missing its troll somewhere!


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

i tried to contact rob directly and never got a response.
I was curious as to these things, and depending on his reasons offer him some assistance.

however only rob ADDRESSED THE QUESTIONS I ASKED (thanks rob) and everyone just jumps on my back

RE READ THE QUESTIONS I ASKED, I SEE ROB IS HOSTING THIS ON A SHARED GO DADDY SERVER, i just wondered what his reasons were. I am not even interested at all in creating yet another puna forum give me a break.

here is my ORIGINAL POST, RE READ IT and then look at all the stupid answers, and this SNITZ IS OLD and if rob wants it that way for you people that havent figured out how to get fast internet thats fine.

you people make A LOT of assumptions and are very judgemental.

"havent figured out how to get fast internet"

There is NO fast internet in many parts of Puna. None. Sure, there's always satellite but that's $$$ and it's useless if you need fast upload as well.
"you people that havent figured out how to get fast internet" Talk about judgmental and making assumptions!


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I would suggest that you made a contradictory statement right there.

Except in the most fringe areas in puna, you can get fast internet imho, it MAY TAKE SOME CREATIVITY ON YOUR PART but its there for you.

Originally posted by PaulW

"havent figured out how to get fast internet"

There is NO fast internet in many parts of Puna. None. Sure, there's always satellite but that's $$$ and it's useless if you need fast upload as well.

Please tell me how I can get fast internet then, I've been trying for years.
So have many other people in HPP.

No need to SHOUT, by the way.
well you people seem to be def

maybe talking to your neighbors might result in some faster internet Smile
thats just one possible route.

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