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no geothermal..what are we sacrificing
geothermal is not renewable. the gasses in there around here are amongst the most toxic in the world. when they poke in a bladder of steam, they have no idea where it will blow out, could be your backyard.... couple years ago they had a blowout that they could not cap for three days - was so loud that people in orchidland, up close to hawaiian acres, coulod not hear their tv.
its true no geothermal in hawaii .. is not one thinking about the sacrifce of the island and people for now and years to come..what happend to the wells and the plant when the geo stops producing the amounts of energy they want. lets not have it that one day we all wake up and hawaii is gone,due to being replaced by geo plants and other aina harming energy producing depleaters

Intellect Is not Intelligence
Training the intellect does not result in intelligence. Rather, intelligence comes into being when one acts in perfect harmony,both intellectually and emotionally. There is a vast distinction between intellect and intelligence. Intellect is merely thought functioning independently of emotion. When intellect, irrespective of emotion, is trained in any particular direction, one may have great intellect, but one does not have intelligence, because in intelligence there is the inherent capacity to feel as well as to reason; in intelligence both capacities are equally present, intensely and harmoniously.Now modern education is developing the intellect, offering more and more explanations of life, more and more theories, without the harmonious quality of affection. Therefore we have developed cunning minds to escape from conflict; hence we are satisfied with explanations that scientists and philosophers give us. The mind, the intellect, is satisfied with these innumerable explanations, but intelligence is not, for to understand there must be complete unity of mind and heart in action. Until you really approach all of life with your intelligence, instead of merely with your intellect, no system in the world will save man from the ceaseless toil for bread. - What Are You Doing with Your Life?

You are supposed to report the source when you massively cut and paste text from elsewhere,
instead of proudly signing your name underneath it.

Geothermal isn't renewable? Tell the people of Iceland. You've lost the rational vote.
its wasteful and dangerous for the people and the land and people... have you not seen the reports or heard any of the stories of the people on this island.. or just trying to throw stones..
if you can explain what happens when the so called renewable energy,is gone.. what do you do with the plant,let it deteriorate, do you move on to something (more sustainable) and if so what is that.. if we as people keep destroying the land and putting holes in Pele for so called exploratory searches. something bad is going to happen i dont know like maybe Pele taking the land back,due to us doing more harm than good.. there have got to be other alternatives to what is presented.. for there must be a number of ways to acheive the same effect with out destroying let a lone putting hole in to our island.

Sure,lets continue to poke holes in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska and haul that oil across the ocean to provide our baseline power.

Solar and wind are not a replacement for baseline power !

As scary as it was, the blowout did not cause any permanent harm to anyone.No one died and there were no log term health effects.The number one finding of fault in the aftermath was that they did not have a muffler on the blowout preventer to stop the scary noise.
from a friend who knows:

Aloha Ike.

I posted this on the OH public wall but specifically wanted you and the folks at Free Hawaii, Lawful Hawaiian Government, Pele Defense Fund and allies to have this info in re geothermal development. I don't have Pali's email address so am hoping if you find this information helpful to the geothermal issue or other matters, please circulate it.

Though it is not hard/binding, the US has agreed to the declaration of indigenous people's rights to prior free, informed consent prior to mining or development of any kind on their lands.

Just know the first article was written before the US signed on to the declaration.

"what happens when the so called renewable energy,is gone"
It won't ever be gone. Well, not for the next few millennia. Do you know what geothermal even is?

"putting holes in Pele for so called exploratory searches. something bad is going to happen"
Because you think something bad is going to happen, we have to keep buying oil? Mythical creatures don't rate highly in my list of worries.

Uh hello, of course there are people with serious health problems from Geothermal, people have been displaced, people have been ignored. Lets be real do you really think adding enough geothermal mines to supply 700 million megawatts would really bring down the islands electric bill? No, it won't we all know this in the back off our mind. The answer is to be frugal us all and stop being such a society of god dang consumers. Live with kerosene if you have to, geothermal is not going to power your cars. In the end with legislation that is going through OUR islands energy resources(its not renewable because your never going to get that land back period.)is going to power other islands that use a heck of a lot more power than we do for less rates. Is that really right? Is that fair? Or are we running around like our heads cut off wanting to act on any answer without fully thinking about the repercussions. Remember for every action there is a perfectly equal and opposite reaction.

its so nice to see a healthy debate.. no matter what side your on there are many perceptions and perspectives .
the thing i know is that hawaii is the most remote rainforest in the world i think almost 2500 miles from anywhere, and everywhere..and if we are going to live here we must respect and find ways that will not hurt the islands because if we do we are going to sink or crack apart even more. i have always believed that we are to live in harmony with the island. for if we live in the most remote part of the world .we dont destroy the land for it will disappear we must exist with it improve it, not for us .for the land and the beauty , sanctuary and bounty and all it provides..


An Energy Alternative?

What is geothermal energy? Geothermal energy is generated when water contacts hot rocks below the earth's surface. The rocks give off hot steam which is used for electricity. This is geothermal energy. Geothermal means earth-heat.

On the island of Hawai'i, geothermal wells have been dug to test the use of geothermal energy for making electricity. There has been a big debate whether geothermal energy does more harm than good.

Geothermal energy costs less and is a relatively safe way to make electricity. It will also help free the islands from importing oil and coal for energy. Although oil is cheaper than a few years ago, it is quickly being used up. People who are for the use of geothermal energy say it is cleaner for the environment than energy from coal and oil.

The people who are against geothermal say that Hawaiian rain forests are cut down to make roads and buildings for the geothermal plants. If the Hawaiian rain forests are cut down, many endangered native plants and animals may become extinct. Some of these plants and animals live only in this area. Furthermore, steam from geothermal plants is full of sulfur and other chemicals. If you breathe too much of the gas, it may be toxic. It is also dangerous to handle without the right equipment. Many people on the Big Island became afraid following leaks from a test well. The power plant that was built afterwards and runs today is very quiet and is self-contained so the sulfurous steam is not released into the air.

Many Hawaiians today still practice their ancient religion and worship the volcano goddess, Pele. They do not like the idea that people are digging into the earth to take energy away without Pele's permission They feel that this is disrespectful because the lands and volcanoes are sacred.

There is not a correct answer on whether to use or not to use geothermal energy. But as future leaders, we need to make decisions these tough decisions.

How do you feel about the use of geothermal energy?

Let us Know,


Geothermal Energy Plus-Delta Chart


I'm against it because it causes a lot of damage. For example, it worries people because it is very poisonous to breathe if there is a leak. It can also lead to deaths of rain forests and wild animals. That is why I am against it. I also love nature and I would never do anything harmful to it.-Trisha L.
I am against geothermal energy because it's very bad to breathe and it harms people. It causes people and animals to be afraid of it. Some things are good about it. It's cleaner than oil and doesn't make a lot of pollution. And it doesn't need much supplies to produce. -4th grade student

I am for it because it doesn't have too much pollution unlike coal and oil. It could make the world a better place by not making much pollution. -Kalalau

I am against geothermal energy because it is not healthy to breathe. Geothermal energy harms the rain forest and native animals and people are afraid it might leak again. Geothermal is poisonous and can hurt people by just breathing it. -Chaleesa A.

I don't want geothermal energy because of the pollution may be real dangerous. It might also kill off many species. It can hurt the people around it. Hawaiians believe that it is bad because they don't have permission from Pele to dig a hole in her volcano. - Kawika B.


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