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Defending Health Care Policy in Hawaii
Please take the time to read and watch the video. Remember, we will be regulated to purchase insurance in 2015, and the house draft, will offer us the ability to purchase insurance at reasonable price.

by Larry Geller

It’s been difficult watching the tweets fly by about legislative agreement to one environmental exemption bill or another. More on that later. For now, there is one bill that is not dead despite what you might have read in the newspaper, and with enough support, could still go forward.

That’s SB2434 HD3, the bill that would remove voting powers from the three near-monopoly insurance companies on the Hawaii Health Connector.

The HHC will determine how health insurance is sold in Hawaii under Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Clearly, we want the best deal possible on policies we will be mandated to purchase. Starting 2015, the state will bear the expense, so you’d think the state would also want the best deal.

And clearly, the insurance companies have a conflict of interest since they will profit from their decisions if allowed to vote on the board of the HHC.

SB2434 is not technically dead. It is a clean bill. The Senate can agree to the HD3 version. Why not let legislators know that they can do that?

Here’s a video explanation. Spread the word. Send the link to legislators. Ask Senators to agree to the HD3 amendment (“HD” means “House Draft,” it is the House Finance committee’s version of the bill).

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