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Fast Speed Internet in Puna
Aloha..Need to hook up with some fast speed internet in Hawaiian Beaches..any suggestions?? Also what cell phone company if any work best out here? My sprint connection was terrible.

Currently there are these Internet providers
Pacific LightNet 334-4000
Seismic Internet
Hawaiian Telcom 643-3456
Oceanic Time Warner Cable 643-2337

PLNI offers dialup,wireless,DSL
Seismic offers dialup,DSL
Hawaiian Telcom offers DSL, Dialup
Oceanic Time Warner offers cable modem service. Alternately you can get
Earthlink Cable Modem Service
LavaNet offers DSL,dialup
Flex Dialup DSL

Oceanic Time Warner Road Runner is 44.95 a month (Less if you bundle it with
other services). Earthlink Cable Modem Service is 41.95 a month.
It is 5Mbps/384K service ( Soon to be 7Mbps/384K later this year)

Hawaiian Telcom offers 1.5Mbps/384K service for 37.99 month to month/29.99
w/ one year contract. 3Mbps/768K DSL is available for 37.99 month to month/
29.99 with a year contract.

If you can get Digital Cable service through Oceanic, odds are good that you
can get Road Runner. It is available in most areas of the island, including
Puna, Kohala,Ka'u,Kona,Hamakua,Hilo.

DSL is available in most areas of the island too :

If I can't make more complicated, Wireless is available too

Wow..for a min there I thought no one would ever respond..and then comes Aaron with all the information I could ask for. MAHALO!

Hey no problem. This question comes up quite a bit.I got fed up and wrote up a paper about the
ISPs available here.

Hmmm, you forgot about satellite ISP like Direcway, Huges and Wild Blue....

Tho, I'd only use those at last resort. If can't get Cable or DSL then try local wireless if can't get that then Sat might be your only option.

Also, don't rule out Verizon Wireless. If your near a cell tower that gets good reception chances are pretty good you can use verizon as an ISP with 2MB burst rates.

Good Luck!

Not sure if Advanced Wireless in in your area but apparently it's in Orchidland I haven't tested it yet. But maybe tomorrow I'll bring my laptop to see what kind of signal I get. I hear Advanced Wireless is on the slow side tho... So much for the "advanced" part.

I don't include Satellite options because of the higher cost and slower speeds available
with satellite.

Lets not leave out, there's lots of open wireless routers where you can hook up your lap top . Like right now I am on 'whoever's' traveling at the slowest speed ever, 1.0 Mbps. with low signal and, it's not to bad. Hooked up is hooked up. The only draw back for me at the moment is; it'll connect when I am on battery but drops off quickly, so I have to plug in to electrical socket to stay on line. Yet in some areas, sub divisions with small lots and close housing, battery is all I need.


After checking out his post last night and calling up Hawaiian Telcom to change my plan to an identical but cheaper one, i thought i might give tech support a call for the hellavit and see what they could tell me about my speeds. I had run several speetests ( and found my 1.5mbps DL speed to be accurate and a 700 kbps upload, as advertised. I had tweaked all my windows settings and just couldn't seem to eek much more out of my DSL. I live in rural orchidland. I pay (now) $30/month dsl and $20 local service, i could care less about the phone, but you can't have one w/o the other. I could get Cable and a better speed/bandwidth, but the cost would be higher.


So i was talking to the tech guy and asked what i might do to get more out of my conx. He looked things over and informed me that when i signed up 2 yrs ago 1.5mpbs was the advertised rate. Now it's up to 2.5mbps. He changed my allocation values and i'm now running a full mbps faster. NO CHARGE. Guess it doesn;t hurt to ask. i guess they are upgrading looking towards running IPtelevision (internet based tv)and will soon be at 7mbps. now that would be a great free upgrade huh?

Just so you all know.



Not sure about this island but At$t is running another special at 14.99 a month. If you already have it and want the "special price", according to their sales people you have to discontinue for 9 days and sign up again on the net. If you drop your dsl connection you can sign up with net zero for a few days, free, and after nine days hook up with at$t again. Be warned though, net zero is a pain in the neck.

Internet Provider:
Total Tests Taken:
Fastest Download:
4652 kb/s
Fastest Upload:
364 kb/s
Average Download:
4652 kb/s
Average Upload:
364 kb/s

Not bad for HPP...


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