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Are you a mosquito magnet?
Interesting article on what attracts mosquitoes to some people over others...
And I also found this article:

About our very own mosquitoes in Hawaii. I, too, get bit and I wanted to know just what kind of risk do I take enjoying an evening on the lanai with my little female 'squeeters.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
I remember being told many years ago that if you drank a lot of orange juice the mosquitos would leave you alone. I've never got around to testing that hypothesis properly (I drink orange juice, but not regularly) but I've not found it helpful so far. I was also told having citronella plants around the lanai would make everyone partying there immune as well.

I've still not found a way to get rid of the annoying little bastards. I get bitten every so often but only suffer an itch for an hour or so - I've heard others suffer more. Getting rid of any standing water makes a big difference but doesn't solve the problem completely.

I'm afraid to say that covering myself with DEET seems to be the only way to avoid being bitten. So far it hasn't turned me into a mutant but who knows what'll happen in a few years time...

We spend a lot of time on our deck in Ohio and we put out a box fan. The moving air disrupts the flying patterns of those buggers and we can sit out until dark with no bites. Give it a try! It beats the chemicals.
A good stinky cigar helps.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Yep, smoke deters them; moving air deters them 'cuz they are not strong fliers; DEET works and I use it often when gardening. Yesterday was so windy and I didn't have to use any repellant while working outside.

I tried Citronella plants...didn't work.

Also used the Thiamine patch...didn't work.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
Basically using anything you are masking exhaled carbon dioxide that a mosquito detects, and then follows your skin odor to hone in on your body.

So when there is no wind it is easier to hone in on your scent, or when working up a sweat in the yard. Smoke helps to mask the scent your body puts out.

Not much a person can do Sad try some noni juice, I have heard it is a very good deterrent.

They seem to love biting my 27 year old son. He has been here on a visit and is leaving for home Wednesday. They bite him terribly all over his legs and the bites leave scars. They don't seem to like me so much.


Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I do find they bother me less after being here for a few years. Can't think of anything in my diet, even tho I've heard papaya and help. I do eat a lot of bananas, but not papaya. I also know what days to go for the Off Deep Woods! Definitely when working in the yard when the humidity's high - I sweat more and the little buggers love it. I keep a can of Off in my yard tool bucket! But I can sit outside now with few bites and when we first moved here, I was covered in bites.
DTisme, me too. Can by outdoor wash tub, can on lanai, can in
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

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