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No polling place for our Precinct
OK, I know this is an election thingy... but we just received a postcard that there will be no polling place for the Keaau (town) precinct....& will be mailed an absentee ballot for the primary & General Election... This will be for ALL precincts with under 500 voters in Hawaii this year....

This is a first for us... has this happened to anyone else? (gotta think that if the precinct for Keaau town does not have the minimum, most of Puna will not have enough voters to have walk-in voting...heck, most of the COUNTY may not...)

Also, are absentee ballots treated the same as walk-ins in this county?

yes carey we got the ballot forms sent to us also in mt. view. and no, i believe absentee are counted after the polls close. but except for state elections, they have usually announced winners in the national elections way before our polls close and ballots are counted anyway...
This is a direct consequence of the actions taken against the elections personnel. We are now ill-prepared for the election.

Some may wonder if this was an intended consequence of the actions taken.

I am voting absentee.

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