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People attacked by Seaview
Did you all hear about this? They said it was a group of russians no less.
Disgusting! I hope they're caught and bloody soon! WTH is going on??? I hope Uncle Robert's family is making sure these kinds of thugs are not allowed to drink there anymore. Disturbing on so many levels.

These victims need lots of community support to help them through this horrible experience. Especially when it comes to being witnesses for these punks prosecution! Hope the charges are at the very least attempted murder.

Please let us know if anyone hears when they catch these sub-human, jerks! UGH. Thanks.
It's becoming an increasingly sketchy scene down there these days. Which is sad for such a magical spot. I hate to say it's because of Uncle Roberts, I really love what they give to the community down there and they are good people, but the scene is also attracting a very bad element. There's very little enforcement in that area. I wish it didn't need it, but you get local boys and 'lost boys' (that's what I call them... the teens and twenties group that go around looking for any opportunity to make money, honest or not, camp out in the bushes at Mackensie and other camp spots for months), predating on tourists who they feel 'deserve it', trashing the area, boozing and drugging it up... They take over the scene to a large degree and then everyone's at the mercy of their drunken/drugged lunacy.
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Sort of scary, random acts of violence.
There's no way I'd be anywhere along redroad/cliffside without some form of protection. I think it very unwise not to. Unfortunately being so far out in the jungle things can happen that are completely unavoidable especially when youngins are impaired.

I wish all of us could be lovin' hippies and mingle/share safely, and I think "lost-boys" is a great description.

Anyone I love or care about in the least get's a speel from me about protection.
the police are so rare down there, you really have to protect yourself.
Living on the side of creation.
Unfortunately there is still acts of random violence even in Pahoa, i really don't understand why there isn't a cop on foot or bike in Pahoa ,especially at night !
I agree with Yurtgurl that the situation at Kaimu is getting out of hand. I'm no prude, but there is one fundamental reason that this once magical scene is becoming uncomfortable; ALCOHOL, unlicensed, unsupervised, and out of control.

I feel that if the Keli'iho'omalu's don't clean up the activity themselves, the authorities will be forced to.
It is important to remember this attack took place right at the bottom of a populated subdivision, not out in the jungle someplace. I lived in Seaview when we first moved here, and while it had quite a few colorful characters we never felt unsafe. The Sunday scene at the Kehena sometimes was plagued by vehicles being broken into, but this sort of violent crime is a whole other level of crime. These guys were out looking to make trouble and the first people they came across paid the price, it could have happened anywhere.

I'm concerned about the fact that these guys are all still out there somewhere, and some other innocent people may encounter them next time they are out looking for their version of a good time.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
If the bums are residents of the area the cops should know who they are by now. Good proactive cops will know their area and have many contacts, some of which would have already heard about who perpetrated that type of crime and would have told the cops. The bums would have been brought in and sweated. Usually at least one of them would have talked and implicated them all. Normal proactive cop work. I hope the local road cops don't just take a report, turn that stuff over to the D Bureau and forget it.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
If no one was patrolling the area, where is the closest police officer? Psssssh too far away to call em use when you need em'. And yes, a proactive police officer is about as likely as a corporate punatic.
Living on the side of creation.
Based on the last few posts, thought this write-up on BIC might shed some light on the current situation and stimulate discussion in the process:

Edited to add: check out the comments at the end of the article, particularly by "Rick" (whom I believe is a lawyer). Interested in hearing other points of view.


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

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