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Wow! This lady has the WORST luck ever!
We were at Home Depot, and this lady comes up to me in the parking lot and says,

"Excuse me sir, can you spare a few dollars? We ran out of gas." Too bad for her, I never carry cash.

But what horrible luck, she also ran out of gas a few days later in the parking lot of Office Max and asked for a few spare dollars again.

Bad luck must come in 3's, because last night she ran out of gas at the Orchidland True Value. Thank God that minute stop gas station is right there!
What a coincidence!

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I believe I've seen her too. She seems to be a regular at the downtown shopping malls hiting people up for money. Long brown hair, skinny...5'8"... about 40.
Wow people down on their luck everywhere, it really IS quite sad.
Never sure how to respond, with help or disdain. Mostly I help, God knows the situation! Leave the consequences to Him!

Gave at the IRS. K Thanks Bye (not that it sounds like she is actually needing help)
Originally posted by macuu222

I believe I've seen her too. She seems to be a regular at the downtown shopping malls hiting people up for money. Long brown hair, skinny...5'8"... about 40.

Sounds like the same gal. Last time she hit me up I told her that she gave me the same line at Home Depot. So maybe she'll come up with another story.
cary a gallon of gas. when she asks for gas money, ask her where her car is, you'ld be glad to put a gallon in for her.
I used to work downtown Honolulu,,when they would ask for some casj for a hamburger, i would gladly walk with thme and get them a hamburger, I think only once a guy took me up on it...90% are looking for their next hit of Ice
I worked rebuilding the freeways in Los Angeles after the 1994 earthquakes. Talked to a lot of the panhandlers. There's good money in that racket. (doubt Pahoa has the same pay rate though lol).
My son was recently in Honolulu doing some volunteer work with friends. He and his friends were returning to their rooms after dinner when they were approached by a homeless guy who was asking for money for food. They just so happened to have several slices of pizza left over, so they offered it to the guy, to which he replied, "Nah, I don't really like pizza." LOL.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

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