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Older car rentals??
Aloha, I live down in Kalapana and might possibly be in the need for a car rental. I remember at one time there were some people around that would rent some older cars out. Doesn't matter what it looks like just need to be dependable. I might need for as long as a month. I tried to run a search on the forum but with no luck. Help.
I think that it may have been this thread.... & going to craigslist , search on "car rental" in the "Big Island" tab will still bring up some BO rentals
older thread on rentals:
I used to use a small company called Advanced Auto Inc. Their office is/was next door to Harper's near the docks in Hilo. They sold second hand cars but also rented them out and were very good when it came to long term rentals. I used to get monthly rentals for $500-600 and although the cars weren't new they were absolutely fine - even drove around in a mustang for a while! I haven't used them for a couple of years now and their website doesn't exist anymore, but maybe you could try their number to see if they're still in business and still doing rentals - 808-969-9998. I'm not hopeful about this but it's worth a call I think.

Aloha Kent: I dunno about their inventory, but I do know that Aiona Car Sales & Rentals (Pat Aiona 935-9958)has cars to rent that are not 'new cars'. Might want to give them a try as well as Tom's suggestion.

Thanks for all the info, I am sure one of these will work out.
Kapohokent - I drove past the office of Advanced Auto today and they've gone. Office was cleared out so they are either out of business or have moved, but think the former is more likely. Sorry, probably gave you a suggestion that's no longer an option. Hope you do find something though, and please let us know if you do.


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