10-03-2012, 07:13 AM
RFP Update (September 28, 2012):
Since the October 14, 2011 filing of the Draft Request for Proposals for Renewable Energy and Undersea Cable System Projects Delivered to the Island of O'ahu in Docket No. 2011-0225, Hawaiian Electric has received a voluminous number of comments from the public related to the Draft RFP. In consideration of the many comments and suggestions received, Hawaiian Electric has prepared responses to these comments which may be of interest to prospective Bidders. Furthermore, in response to these comments, Hawaiian Electric has made extensive revisions to the Draft RFP and contract forms. Hawaiian Electric is continuing to finalize the RFP in preparation of filing the Proposed Final RFP with the PUC, which is now anticipated to occur sometime in the fourth quarter of 2012, however, Hawaiian Electric feels that it is important to share the responses to the comments received with prospective Bidders prior to submitting the Proposed Final RFP to the PUC to provide ample time for review. Since many of the responses to comments reference changes that will be included in the Proposed Final RFP, Hawaiian Electric is also making available a Revised Draft RFP containing edits incorporated since the October 14, 2011 Draft RFP filing for reference in connection with the comment responses.
This will affect the overall plan for alternate energy and Hawaii County needs to have a voice in this process. Please write your elected County officials, and make sure they are aware of this RFP proposal,prior to the PUC meeting here later this month regarding HELCO's 4% rate increase and Aina Koa Pono(2nd) proposal.
RFP Update (September 28, 2012):
Since the October 14, 2011 filing of the Draft Request for Proposals for Renewable Energy and Undersea Cable System Projects Delivered to the Island of O'ahu in Docket No. 2011-0225, Hawaiian Electric has received a voluminous number of comments from the public related to the Draft RFP. In consideration of the many comments and suggestions received, Hawaiian Electric has prepared responses to these comments which may be of interest to prospective Bidders. Furthermore, in response to these comments, Hawaiian Electric has made extensive revisions to the Draft RFP and contract forms. Hawaiian Electric is continuing to finalize the RFP in preparation of filing the Proposed Final RFP with the PUC, which is now anticipated to occur sometime in the fourth quarter of 2012, however, Hawaiian Electric feels that it is important to share the responses to the comments received with prospective Bidders prior to submitting the Proposed Final RFP to the PUC to provide ample time for review. Since many of the responses to comments reference changes that will be included in the Proposed Final RFP, Hawaiian Electric is also making available a Revised Draft RFP containing edits incorporated since the October 14, 2011 Draft RFP filing for reference in connection with the comment responses.
This will affect the overall plan for alternate energy and Hawaii County needs to have a voice in this process. Please write your elected County officials, and make sure they are aware of this RFP proposal,prior to the PUC meeting here later this month regarding HELCO's 4% rate increase and Aina Koa Pono(2nd) proposal.