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My Fridge is Pau: Icemaker on Catchment?
Well, not completely pau. The freezer, inexplicably, works fine. The refrigerator side does not work at all.

I am going to call a repairman to see if I can get the refrigerator side to work again. In the meantime, I have no refrigerator and am considering biting the bullet and getting a new one. The old one is about 9 years old and an energy drain.

So I seem to recall from previous discussions that it is is NOT a good idea to have an icemaker in the door on island. Condensation forms on them and they end up causing problems.

If so, that presents a problem. I am kind of tired of buying ice and all that goes along with that. And so I want an icemaker on the inside. Those are kind of rare now.

Another issue is whether you can even HAVE an icemaker on catchment. I have a nice catchment, completely enclosed and triple filtered, but I hear that catchments gum up icemakers. But I want one. Bwwaahhhhhhhhhh.

Lastly, I don't want one of those French Drawer (door?) thingies because my refrigerator faces the kitchen island. If I open the drawer I could only access it from the side. Plus there would be a big ol' handle sticking out for me to run in to.

So, I would like a side-by-side refrigerator with an icemaker on the inside, that has a water filter.

Nearly every fridge at HD and Sears has a French Door, icemaker and water through the door.

Is it possible that I am asking the universe for something very, very particular which is unavailable or inadvisable? Do I want it BECAUSE IT IS UNAVAILABLE OR INADVISABLE?

Should I just grow a beard (where I can), crawl around on all fours and use a styrofoam ice chest for a refrigerator. Should I go make a sacrifice to Pele? Should I stop believing in her? Why is she regarded as a myth?

I mean, if some women are volcanoes (and I know that to be a natural fact), then why can't some volcanoes be women?

Oh, my god. Did someone simultaneously FREEZE my hot tub (how is that even possible?) and OVERHEAT my refrigerator? Is it her? Must......go....visit....plume. Throw axis deer in the crater. Make that two. My goddess...why hast though forsaken me??!!!!

But seriously. Icemaker on the inside. Anyone have one on a side by side refrigerator? Icemaker on the outside....good idea?
We have an LG, double doors on top, slide out freezer drawer on bottom, ice maker in freezer. have had it 5 years, replace filter every 6 months. no problems and we are on catchment.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
I've got to say I really like my freezer on the bottom/frig on top Kenmore. It was a good price and is very energy efficient too. I guess I am the ice maker since I just refill ice cube trays from the bottled water my dearly beloved hauls up the 14 stairs to our living space. As long as I don't get lazy about filling the trays it all works unless we entertain, then I buy ice.

If Pele really does like gin, as is rumored, why would she ever doom an ice maker? Warm gin is just not the same, so maybe you just need to mix a really dry martini, chill it to the max, dedicate a little to Pele, and toast her glory. But I foresee that a trip to Sears may be in your future. I found a drink called the white rabbit one time, that used icy cold gin, I will try to find the recipe.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
OK...I hate to be a 3rd one to like the very refrig you don't...but... well, if the drawer doesn't work, there is no way to MAKE it work just 'cause.... so...

To answer your question, we have a common friend that normally posts (must be busy tonight!) that DOES have a Side by Side with ice (crushed or cubes!) & water in the door who lives up the hill & over from you that has catchment... It seems to work fine (he does have UV on his water) & has for YEARS (Ok, ~6years now) & is super handy for parties (so enticing was this contraption that I almost flung off my ~15 year attachment to the Trio brand (still really LOVE the energy savings...the through the door do use ALOT more HELCO juice!)

Further answering your ???? go to & you can search for the refrig of your dreams
This is the search for Side by Side with icemakers:
They do have a few models - one is a Kenmore "non-dispensing" with icemaker - the search for 'no thru the door dispensing" gets you here:
Mahalo. I think I get it. Cold air DOES travel down. Explains so much. I see why that would be energy efficient if you were trying to freeze something.

It is nice to know that I might be able to have an icemaker, DickWilson. Lately, you know, it's just been so tropically warm and I just feel the need to cool down without getting frozen like one of those characters in that movie about Thor --the ones that were turned into icicles. And I hate lugging ice. I don't mind lugging lugs, but I don't like to lug ice.

I also appreciate the martini suggestion. I think I am ready for one. The martini will have to be very, very cold, as you suggest. I will need to place it to my cheek first. Probably all four. I do think the toast to Pele is also prudent and well-deserved.

That's because I love her. I just flippin' love her. I am not here IN SPITE OF HER. I AM HERE BECAUSE I LOVE HER. I don't care how many homes she has wrecked or how many men she has turned into snorting, angry, ravenous pigs. I love her. There, I said it. From the moment I saw her. Coup de foudre. Blinding flash of light. Fooomp! Tragic. I don't care. It helps that she is completely mythical. Real people just can't compare. I want one that breathes fire and scorches you and dares you to come near and sometimes comes around on her own in human form. Anyway, when you come across that recipe let me know. And maybe we can both toast to her when you are in the neighborhood. To the goddess, hoorah! I mean, you have to hand it to a creature that spews lava to express her desire to be with her own true love, who is a man/pig because she made him one.

I think you have a point about the volcano goddess probably NOT destroying my refrigerator and not turning my hot tub into a block of ice. Now that I reflect on it, it seems more likely that I got all up in my head and forgot to turn the hot tub ON and that a compressor or something went out on the refrigerator. Ooops. All that can be easily fixed. God bless America. It is important not to attribute every bad thing to the volcano goddess. Sometimes it is the fault of mere humans. She didn't do this. I knew she was trouble the moment I saw her and shame on me for wanting exactly that (again), but she didn't break my refrigerator. It was old and neglected. So, okay, yeah. Let's start collecting the newspaper and let's get things working again. I sing in praise of the constant invisible peril! I howl in praise of the constant threat and for angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night! I pray for a new refrigerator!

So, anyway very nicely chilled martini shared with a friend or friends, forget you ever saw the flaming folds of pahoehoe, and drive he said -- no need to rush out, drive, drive, drive to Sears and turn that old thing into something beautiful, sleek, new and very, very chill.

There are a few White Rabbit drinks... The gin ones seem to come from British pubs & include the White Rabbit Royale (British drinks, Royale from the White Rabbit London)
White Rabbit
2 measures of gin, 1 measure triple sec, 1 measure lemon juice, cracked ice.
Place the ice cubes into a cocktail shaker and pour in all the contents. Shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass and serve with drinks parasol / umbrella.

The White Rabbit Royale is a mix of

There is also a cream drink (seems a might bit more toasty drink...:
White Rabbit Cream Cocktail Ingredients:
.5 oz(s) Liqueur - Almond Liqueur
.5 oz(s) Liqueur - Coffee Liqueur
1 oz(s) Dairy - Cream
.5 oz(s) Liqueur - Irish Cream
1 oz(s) Rum - White Rum
How to make a White Rabbit Cocktail
Shake all ingredients and pour into an old-fashioned glass

and there are more... most likely inspired by Harvey...

The problem with your unit is most likely that the fan that blows cold air from the freezer to the refrigerator side is froze or defective. An easy fix and not very expensive. Fairly common problem.

It could be the fan or a defrost cycle problem.Put everything from the freezer into coolers and turn it off for a day.Be prepared to mop up a lot of water.
Turn it back on and see what happens.Sometimes during hot and humid weather the defrost cannot keep up and ice builds up stopping the fan from running.
The old one is about 9 years old and an energy drain.............. dollars to do nuts its the defrost heater gone south - relatively cheap and common fix - that will save lots of energy.......
I was wrong about the freezer though. I put a thermometer in it. It is only getting down to 45 degrees, and so it is not freezing either. I am waiting for a return call from the repairman. I will turn it off, Obie, since it isn't doing anything anyway, and see if maybe that takes care of any ice buildup. Appreciate the suggestions. Good point, Bullwinkle: I do want to save it if I can. It's a nice fridge and I don't really like those drawer things and don't want to have to stand to the side of one (no room to stand in front of it). Either way, it looks like I am going to be without a fridge.

Okay, any suggestions on repliance repair guys, since the one I called hasn't called me back yet?

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